Chapter 17

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When You're Gone - Avril Lavigne

Good as Gone - Charlie (seriously need to look up this song if you haven't!!)

Higher - Classified ft. B.O.B

One Last Night - Jesse Labelle ft Nixon

Don't You Remember - Adele

Secrets - One Republic


I was literally jumping in my seat, eager to meet Harry outside so we could talk about this "important matter". I was really curious as to what he was talking about.

I started to twirl my pencil and think of the possibilities of what Harry would have to tell me.

Finally, after an hour of pure torture, the bell rang, dismissing us to lunch. I raced out of the classroom and messily shoved my books into my locker. After that, I made my way outside and towards the bench I was supposed to meet him at and waited patiently. Okay so maybe not so patiently. I looked at the scenery around me It was beautiful day. The sun was out and it was the perfect temperature. Not too hot or cold.

As I sat on the bench that Harry was supposed to meet me at,I became bored. And because I didn't have my phone, I just sat there and looked at the "pictures" in the clouds. My dad and I used to do this a lot after he came home from work. These kind of memories of my dad I will cherish forever. Even though they are so minuscule, they were perfect.

"Hey" a deep voice brought me out of my daydreams and into reality. Harry stood there. Hands in his pockets with a black tshirt on and a pair of jeans. His hair was pushed back and was hidden under a beanie.

"Oh um-hey..." I replied. I moved over on the bench so that there was enough room for him to sit. He got what I was doing and sat down beside me and turned to face me.

"Let's get right down to business." Harry said.

"Sure. What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked and started to chew on my lip. I was both nervous and excited to see what Harry had to say. What would he say? Why did this have to do with me? I barely ever talk to him!

"Ok so before I start I want you to promise me something." He asked and looked at me expectantly. I gave him a nod and he took that as his cue to continue.

"Ok I want you to promise me that you will let me finish before you jump in and interrupt me."

I was a little reluctant to obey. If this was something I didn't want to hear, I would have just gotten up and walked away or mouth him off. I guess he knew that that was what I would have done so that's why he made me promise.

"Promise" I said and raised my right hand just to make it official. I wasn't going to give up this opportunity.

"Okay, where to begin?" Harry started off by saying.

"You have probably heard this before but I'm going to say it anyway. Luke is not what you think."

I immediately tensed and was about to say something until Harry cut me off.

"Ah uh- you promised you would let me finish. Now, before you jump to conclusions that I'm lying or exaggerating or that I don't know him like you do, let me explain. Luke and I used to be best friends. We were in the same group of friends. We both loved to drink and party. We were very similar. But there was something very different between the two of us. He treated girls like a prize to be won and just like objects. Not real people. Him and my other buddies used to go into a mall and pick a girl. The first one to sleep with her got free beers for a month and they would move on to the next girl. I really didn't like that, so I ditched them and got new friends. They aren't that good either but better than Luke and the others. Well anyways, last year, one of the guys, picked you as their target. I told them not to and that they should just stop this ridiculous game but they just laughed. I told them that I had a crush on you and that, um, that you were mine and for them to back off. They finally got a new target and continued their stupid game.

" Anyways, remember those guys that took you around the corner and slapped you? Well those were my old friends. They found out I guess, that both Luke and I liked you now so when they heard about your break up with Nick, they wanted to get some pay back for both of us ditching them. You see, Luke got caught. He stole some beers from the local beer store but he got caught and got charged. His parents were pissed. He wanted to "change" his ways and he was doing pretty good. Up until 2 weeks ago. Then he got involved with them again. He started drinking and sleeping around. I told him that if he wanted you than he has to treat you like you should be treated. I've been watching him and the way he treats you and so far he's been okay, but just watch out okay,Emily?" Harry finished and then looked at me with waiting eyes.

It looked like he was looking into my soul. I was very uncomfortable so I directed my gaze to my feet and mindlessly kicked the dirt below me.

I was in shock. Luke was one of them? One of those disgusting freaks that were hurting me? I could barely believe it. I didn't want to believe.

"How do I know you aren't just making things up? " I almost yelled. I was trying to control my anger both at Harry and at Luke.

"How do you think Luke knew who those guys were? How do you think he knew me so well? Just look at the facts Em! You have to believe me!" He said, just as loud.

He had a point. Luke did seen very familiar with those idiots. I considered what he was saying for a minute.

I ran a hand through my hair aggressively and groaned.

"I-I can't." I simply said, and ran away from Harry.


"How do you think Luke knew who those guys were? How do you think he knew me so well? Just look at the facts, Em! You have to believe me!" I almost yelled at her.

If she seriously didn't believe me, I don't know what I would do. I was telling the truth! Luke is an idiot! The only reason he treats Emily so well is because he knows that I'm watching him. If he makes one wrong move, I won't waste any time teaching that douche a lesson. Luke knows that I've had a thing for Emily for a long time and so he started having feelings for her as well. I don't know is his feelings are true but he better not break her heart while he has her..which won't be for long.

Emily considers what I'm saying and runs a hand through her hair while groaning.

"I-I can't" Emily states and runs away, leaving me alone, like usual.

Being alone sucks. Having everyone

think you're weird and retarded sucks. Life sucks.

I could feel the tears bubbling inside of me! But there was no way I was going to let them out! I angrily kicked the ground and yelled out in frustration. I could believe it.

Again she left me! Why didn't she believe me?! Why was she trusting that sorry excuse for a man!

Ugh!!! This was becoming extremely hard! And my feelings were just becoming stronger!

I needed to make Emily mine! I had no idea what to do but maybe this girl I've been talking to does.

But we will have to see.



So the truth comes out!

If its the truth that is.... ;)

Remember to





And share!!

Thanks for reading!

Next update- Thursday, April 24, 2014

10 votes for early update! C'mon guys I know you can do it!!


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