Chapter 1: An unshot flare.

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The sound of a large helicopter buzzed overhead, ricocheting in my ears and drumming into my mind. On one hand i was ecstatic, it had been the first sound of civilisation I'd heard in moths, four to be exact. But on the other hand, doubt and worry about what was to come. This island had become my personal tropical paradise, and this helicopter could change it all. I would be forced to snap back into the boring reality where I'm not a survivalist looking to live the perfect life with the man of my dreams but instead "prom queen" as Dean liked to call me. For those of you who don't know, the jobs of being the "prom queen" involve having many friends, most of whom you don't actually like, constantly being on top of social media, always looking stunning no matter the time of day or event and of course only dating the "hot" guys in school. For me this would be Dean but for everyone else it was the quarterback or some new senior. In addition I wasn't only worried for myself I was worried for Dean. That he would fade back into the background and I would get swept back up again and our paths would slowly disperse into different directions. Despite never actually winning prom queen Dean had adapted that name for me and I adored it when he called me it, but if anyone else did I took immediate offence.

Dean and I quickly sat up stiffly and looked at each other with a matter of panic and urgency in both our eyes. Leaning over to him I whispered slowly,"Could it be." This had been what I dreamt about for months on this island, but now it was actually here and I had the opportunity sitting right in front of me I was unsure whether it was what I wanted. It was like loving chocolate cake and craving it until your introduced to something you love even more and then still trying to be fed the chocolate cake. Your not going to eat it, your going to stick with what you love.Dean replied "might not be someone to save us, so don't get your hopes up,but we might as well try." Thats one thing he didn't have to worry about me doing. I wasn't getting my hopes up anytime soon. He abruptly leant over me, stretched his arm and reached for the flare, our only hope of escape. A thousand thoughts raced in my mind fogging my thoughts but I could only draw one word from my breath. "STOP," I shouted loudly at dean just before he could pull that trigger. Dean, shocked, turned his body towards me with a puzzled and worried look on his face. "EMMA this could be out only chance, don't you want to get off this island?" I looked into his deep brown eyes, my head dropped down to look at the warm sand below me. He asked again, this time with a more caring tone " Emma, do you not want to get off this island." I looked up again, scared to say anything. Before I could process he turned around and pointed the flare into the air. "NO I DONT," I screamed just before he shot.

Taken back by my dinosaur like screeching he fell down into the warm sea below with a smirk on his face as if he had accomplished something. He had never seen me be so certain about something before in my life. We both sat there for a few brief moments and processed as our only escape flew away into the sunset, contemplating whether we made the correct decision or if we had been foolish and stupid. Slowly, I shuffled on my knees to where he was laying. My mind had been made up and I didn't need to think alone anymore, how was it a stupid idea to stay where I love with who I love. As I laid my head down next to him, his hair brushed against my check and pulled me closer. Sand was stuck to my face and see water was running up my legs. As I leant in to Dean he whispered in my ear , "I knew you didn't want to leave, is my prom queen getting brave?"

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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