Chapter 9

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Stiles POV

Lydia was the last of them to come visit Stiles. He was happy to see her perfectly fine. He could tell that she felt bad for all of this, so Stiles told her that he would've done it all again for her. He even finally confessed his love for her. He could blame it on his wheeziness if she thought he was completely crazy. But she didn't.

Instead, she kissed him! It was only a tender, soft kiss at first, and she pulled off, contemplating her move. Stiles felt like his dreams were all coming true. But now she was just standing there, probably realizing what she had done and hating herself for it.

But then she leaned in again, and Stiles sat up while they continued to kiss. Lydia paused for a moment, wondering if she should go through with this and probably thinking about Jackson.

She must've distanced herself from Jackson for the moment, because she continued, this time pulling his shirt off. They were both breathing heavily, and Lydia was sitting on Stiles' lap, with her legs wrapped around his back, when the doctor, Scott, and Stiles' dad came walking in.

Lydia whipped around with a look of panic on her face. She quickly got off and adjusted herself. Stiles just sat there for a moment before he reached for his shirt and put it back on.

"Oh um...didn't mean to bother you two." the doctor said with a puzzled look on his face.

Scott and John just sat there staring with their mouths wide. Nobody really knew what to do.

Lydia cleared her throat, "Well it was nice...visiting you, Stiles I hope you get better soon."

"Yeah...good seeing you man." Scott said, and walked out of the room with Lydia.

Stiles' dad just stood there for a bit in shock before finally saying, "If you need anything let me know Stiles." and walked out of the room.

Stiles was still stunned from what had happened, and he sat there smiling to himself.


Lydia's POV

On the way home, Scott didn't say a word, and she felt awkward.

"Scott I didn't mean kinda just happened." she sighed.

He sat there thinking for a little bit before he said anything, "Who kissed who."

"Um...I kissed him."

Scott sighed, "Lydia, I don't have a problem with you hooking up with Stiles, but you can only be with one guy. Imagine how Jackson would feel if he found out."

Lydia wondered whether she should tell him about Jackson or not, but decided it wasn't the best time, so she just didn't answer.

When they got to Stiles' house, she ran up to her room to avoid any awkward conversations.


Stiles wasn't in the hospital for long, only the rest of this week and the weekend. When he got home, he went up to his room right away.

Not long after he heard a knock on his door, and was surprised to find Lydia outside his room.

"Oh, uh hi Lydia."

"Hi. Um could we talk for a moment?" she asked sweetly.

"Yeah of course, come on in." Stiles said, ushering her in.

" about what happened at the hospital...I can't let anything happen between us...I mean with all that has happened between Jackson and I, we still haven't broken up. Technically we're still dating and I...can't stoop to his level. I'm sorry Stiles." she said softly.

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