Chapter 5

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Stiles rolled out of his bed and grumbled as he turned his alarm clock off. He groggily rubbed his eyes and stretched his arms up to the sky. Grabbing his clothes from his desk, he stumbled into the bathroom.

After he had completely gotten ready, he stepped out of the bathroom and noticed the guest door was closed which he thought was strange.

"Oh my god," he nearly whispered to himself as he remembered who was sleeping in that guest bedroom. He looked at the clock and realized it was almost time to leave. What if she wasn't even awake yet and she would have no time to get ready?

But before he knocked to make sure she was awake, he realized that her room had a bathroom attached to it and she had everything she needed to get ready. He started walking away and heard her door creak open. Wow, he thought, even in the morning she's just as beautiful.

"So we plan on leaving in about 15 minutes is that ok with you?" Stiles asked.

"Yeah that'll work," Lydia replied, yawning.

They both went down for breakfast and went out to Stiles' car, with Lydia in the passenger seat and Stiles driving.

Luckily the ride to school was only about 10 minutes so they didn't run out of things to say. The conversation was mostly based off of Mr. Olson's class since that's where it had all started.

They got to school and walked in together until Lydia found Alison and Stiles found Scott.

"Hey man how was last night?" Scott smirked.

"Ugh I feel completely foolish...I'm so clumsy and not good with girls at all! And then she's over there being miss perfect..." Stiles sighed.

"Woah woah what'd you do to her?" Scott asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well first when she came in our hands brushed...and then I might've accidentally told her about how I loved having her here, and dinner I accidentally dropped her food and the plate shattered..." Stiles replied.

"Whatever I'm sure she doesn't mind, that's not even bad!" Scott assured, although he couldn't help but crack up a little when he thought about Stiles dropping her plate.

"Yeah I don't know..." Stiles sighed and they both started toward their first hour class a little early.

"So how was your night?" Alison asked Lydia.

"Pretty good!" Lydia replied not saying much else.

"Is that all you're going to say or are you going to speak?" Alison smiled.

"Well I mean there's not much to say, we got set up, had dinner, talked a little, and then I went to my room and watched tv." Lydia laughed to herself a little.

"Okayyyy when you feel like telling me just let me know." Alison winked and urged her on to their first hour class which they had with both Scott, Stiles, and Jackson.

"Hey Lydia how was your night?" Jackson asked seductively when they entered the class. To Lydia's surprise, Alison almost looked jealous, despite the fact she was dating Scott.

"It was good, didn't do too much, how wa-"

Lydia was cut off as Jackson's lips landed on hers and he pulled her in. She pushed him off, "Jackson, c'mon class is about to start!" she argued.

"But it hasn't yet. We still have like 5 more minutes before it officially starts." he finished and pulled her in once more.

He let go for a moment only to push her against the wall and go back in. His fingers dug into her back and she finally just stopped fighting it and kissed him back.

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