Everyone raised their glasses and cheered. Girlfriend. AJ stood there frozen. Alexa. She was gripping the sides of her chair, knuckles turning white. Courtship. Her breathing became shaky and unsteady. Kissed. She was uncomfortable in her own skin, squeezing her thighs together, trying to hide her distress. Her eyes fluttered open when she heard a chuckle escape Dean's mouth. He looked her straight in the eyes while flashing his classic smirk. AJ was barely holding back from slapping him across the face. He knew what he was doing. He knew she didn't like Alexa. That's why he chose her. Dean had something planned and AJ needed to find out. She watched intently as they sat down finally relaxing her hands and fingers letting the blood reach the needed areas. She felt someone's hand intertwine with her own, making her eyes dart right at Punk's fingers calming her skin. She smiled tenderly, her smile slowly turning to a smirk when she saw Dean's eyes try to dig a hole through their hands. The game he was playing was for two...or more people.

"...and I would also like to make things right with April over here." AJ arched her eyebrow at the use of her real name "We can't always be enemies, right? I now have a girlfriend and I feel happy, so there is no need to make things dramatic anymore. I forgive you." He let his smirk fade for a minute as he held his hand out for AJ to shake.

She needed to take a moment to process what was happening. This was just so weird. Dean's eyes continued to roam over her hand as she finally gave Punk a reassuring look, making him let go. She stood up from her seat and shook his warm hand. AJ took her glass and raised it for a toast. "I think we all look forward to..." She glanced at their hands. "...this fellowship."

People clapped, laughed, cheered...AJ didn't hear any of it. She was too busy with emptying her glass while staring at Dean. The brunette knew she couldn't read him anymore. He clearly prepared himself. She stayed there with his hand in hers, enjoying the moment maybe too much and for too long but she didn't care. The Black Widow was satisfied.

AJ was now walking to her room with her keycard in hand. She missed hearing her heels clicking on the marble floor of the lobby but unfortunately the hall's floor was simply a carpet which had its advantages because if she had dropped her phone on the marble floor it would've had a cracked screen right away.

The Black Widow just got to her room when she dropped her keycard. "Great." She mumbled under her breath as she squatted down to get the card. AJ grabbed it quickly and stood back up, hoping that no one saw her. Unfortunately she got back up and she was now looking at a smirking Dean Ambrose.

"May I help you?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

Dean's smirk was now eating away his face. "Sweetheart, let's go inside and talk."

"Dick." She whispered while opening the door to her room when suddenly the beeping noise in her ears returned, her vision once again becoming blurry. Her knees started to buckle and she started shivering when she grabbed the side of the door trying to slow down her breathing.

"Hey..." Dean got a hold of her shoulders instructing her to the couch in her room. "I'll get you some water..." He glanced at her small trembling figure and her now pale face. "...and some chocolate."

AJ was trying her best to regain some composure. Her hands squeezing her thighs hoping to get some blood flowing throughout her body. She needed to eat. And she knew it. The problem was she forgot to do it. A lot. It was starting to become a problem. She didn't want to show any weakness, any vulnerability. But it was so hard.

Dean got to the sink and let the water flow in the empty glass while opening a cupboard near him grabbing some chocolate. He quickly went back to AJ and gave her the glass of water. She immediately consumed it which made her feel a little better.

"Make sure to eat the chocolate." Dean instructed while making his way too the door. He stopped to look around the room. "Nice upholstery."

He exited the room and angrily marched in the hall. He didn't want to help her and he didn't want to worry about her. He wanted to irritate her, to make her feel threatened, to push her off the pedestal she had put herself on by hurting him over and over. But something in him clicked when he saw her so weak. He still had time. Dean helped her but he had time to take everything away from her.

AJ sat in silence for what felt like hours. Eyes twitching, face pale, body weak. She then finally consumed the chocolate. In just a minute she could feel the energy coming back, the weakness flowing away. Everything that happened today felt like a bad dream. She remembered little bits and pieces. Punk holding her, Dean and Alexa, Dean helping her out. It was all so bizarre. AJ thought that maybe he plotted some twisted revenge on her. Or maybe he just fell in love with Alexa...No. That was impossible. How do you fall in love with someone like that? Pretty face but a gross, manipulative, self-obsessed inside. She then scoffed at the absurdity of her thoughts. She was just like that girl. The description was perfect for her. It was one thing that Alexa couldn't do but AJ had mastered...be smart.

This is some raw unedited shit so don't even come at me if there are any mistakes or poor use of grammar and vocabulary.

Just got in the new school. Seems nice. Already got some friends. Health problems calmed down a bit.

Catch up with you all soon.


Slowing Down | AJ Lee / Dean AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now