Chapter: 8

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DAY: 6

I opened my eyes, finding that I was looking through the window of a truck.

Bucky sat in the driver's seat beside me, covered in sweat and ash. "Missile, surrounded, borrowing." He said. I looked back through the windshield and found that we were speeding off down the highway, no longer in that small town.

"Why are-" I started.

"Corned us at the entrance to the town, had to use the back road." he answered. I nodded and sat up in the seat wincing at the horrible pain in my shoulder, it'd now spread down my arm to my elbow.

All the trees were replaced with tall cement and steel towering skyscrapers. We were back in the city within a blink of an eye.

"I thought we were avoiding the city?"

"Change of plans." He said, glancing between mirrors, his foot pressed into the floor of the truck.

Suddenly, the truck jolted forward, a loud popping sound echoed through the back and sparks began flying out the window. We lost a tire.

"Plan b!" Bucky shouted over the loud noise. He slammed his foot on the brake, threw open his door and jumped out. I followed out behind him and we took off down the street, crossing over towards the subways. But that wasn't where Bucky was planning on going. He reached behind and turned slightly, grabbed my arm and jerked me around a corner. With one quick motion I found myself in his arms pressed back against a doorway with his hand over my mouth and his bionic arm across my chest.

"When I say so, run inside." Bucky whispered. "Do not wait for me."

"What are you going to do?" I wrenched his hand off and pushed away roughly.

"I'm going to get you a head start. Whatever you do, don't turn back." 

"No way, you'll be caught by SHIELD and taken in." I tried to protest, my heart suddenly racing at the reality of the situation building around us.


"What do you think they'll do to you there?"

"Shut up!" he yelled, and with one quick motion he gripped my arms and spun us both around so I was up against the wall. Bucky's grip was tight, filled with urgency, his eyes pleading for me to listen. "Hydra had this series of words, it was a code to engage my compliance. There is an overwhelming chance that they could set that part of me off again, in that state I won't have any control over my actions; you could end up getting killed in the process."

Sirens approached, multiple vehicles. Even so, Bucky didn't break eye contact, no until a bullet zipped right past us both. I hit the ground and he pushed me through the doorway, ducking out of sight. Bullets went flying, sailing through the air relentlessly.

When it finally stopped I jumped to my feet, searching the silence for anything. I peeked through the doorway. Officers had their guns trained on a dark figure standing in the open. Bucky. His arms were raised, his gun held high.

"Drop the weapon and stand down!" One of the officers shouted. Bucky quickly dropped his gun and fell to his knees, his hands immediately clasped behind his head.

"Hands where I can see them." An officer stepped into view, his gun aimed at my head. My arms shot up quickly. Another officer came and pulled me from the doorway, out onto the street with harsh intent. He pulled me down onto my knees and smacked the butt of his gun against the back of my head. "Move and you're dead."

Bucky remained still as officers cuffed him twice, their attempt to make sure he was secured.

"You know something, you are the last person I'd ever think to give up so quickly." A voice said to my right, approaching from behind. Her dark catsuit was unmistakable as she came into view and stalked around to Bucky's front. "Never pegged you to keep your hostages alive."

"Let her go and I'll leave with you peacefully."

"Too late for peaceful negotiations now." Black Widow paused before her gaze fixed on me, "You're in too deep this time."

Black Widow gestured to Bucky and four men restrained him back as she approached me. "I'll tell you everything I know."

"We already know everything. Hydra's secrets aren't secrets anymore." She said, crouching down inches away. "I'm afraid you both have little to offer me, however. . ." She delivered a powerful blow into my abdomen. All the air from my lungs jumped out, leaving me gasping and hunched over. I stared at the ground, tried to breathe, watching the black and white spots fall in and out of focus. "Someone is waiting for both of you. Cuff her, and get her in the truck. Time to bounce."

"Lark? I told you to run!" Bucky frantically shouted to me, but I couldn't even lift my head to acknowledge him.

I was stuffed into the back of a truck and handcuffed before I could process anything else. Three men sat inside the truck with me, each one holding a gun in their lap with a mask hiding away their face. Two sat on either side of me and one sat in front of me. This was all too familiar, all too close to a past that I've tried to forget.

And up until I met Bucky it was going swell.

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