Chapter Thirty - Nice Surprise

Start from the beginning

He gave Harry’s phone to Zayn and Harry started to protest instantly. “Give it back to me!“, Harry shouted.

“Get it!“, Zayn grinned and as Harry reached him Zayn threw it over to Niall. As Harry reached for Niall, Niall threw it over to Liam and Liam to Louis. It was a circle.

Jenna sighed as she entered the bus. Still no call from Harry. The teacher had told her to go home earlier because she wasn’t looking good. Would she become ill? Great.

She grabbed out her phone. “Hey, Hazza, vas happenin‘? Miss you :) xx“ and send.

After half an hour still no response. It was now one p.m. When would he write? She lie in her bed and her mom brought her everything she needed – a balck tea with some milk, some bread, more blankets. But she didn’t want them – she wanted Harry.

Someone knocked at the door so she turned and pretented to sleep. She wouldn’t wanna see anyone now.

“Are you okay, babe?“, Jenna heard a worrying voice and jerked almost off of the bed.

“Harry!“, she grinned like an idiot and jumped into his arms. He wrapped his arms around her waist to catch her and kissed her passionatly. “I missed you“, he smiled afterwards.

“I missed you too. Why didn’t you write me?!“ She punched him in his arm softly.

“I though you’d maybe like my surprise.“

“You’re so sweet!“, Jenna smiled and grabbed his hand. “And yes, I am okay. I was just missing you. And I worried about you. You didn’t write back! Anything could’ve happened!“

Harry smiled and held her hand tighter. “Nothing can harm me“, he smiled cheekily and looked at the door for a moment. “Wanna see Maggs and Maddie? Or wanna meet Kata?“

Jenna jumped in excitement. “Sure!“

Harry grabbed her hand and lead her downstairs. In the garden outside were them all – the boys and the girls. “You must be Kata. My name is Jenna“, Jenna introduced herself to Kata.

“Nice to meet you, Jenna“, Kata smiled and Jenna started to fall for her accent. Lovely!

“Maggie!“, Jenna gasped and looked at Maggie. She still had a bandage around her upper body, but Jenna couldn’t see it anyway through the clothes. She was morte shocked by the cast around her left arm and her left leg. “Are you okay?“

“I’m fine“, Maggie smiled. “It’s not as bad as it looks like.“

Niall sighed and smiled sadly. “Nice to meet you again, Jenna. Long no see.“

Jenna smiled. “Yeah, I know.“ She sighed and faced Maggie again. “Why do we have to split tomorrow again?! I missed you sooo much!“

“It’s only for three weeks“, Maggie smiled and tried to convince Jenna, Niall and herself. She wasn’t sure herself how she was supposed to survive this three weeks. And school started again. Ugh. “What do you fo because of school?“

“My mom told school I was going to Australia for three weeks. They said it’s okay.“

“I really wished I’d go to your school“, Maggie sighed and smiled.

Jenna went on to hug Maddie and looked at Zayn for a second. “Made it finally?“

“Yeah!“, Maddie grinned excited and Zayn grabbed her hand what made her blush. “I’ve missed you loads! Now it’s only the three of us. We’re growing.“ She grinned at Louis. “Aren’t we, Louis?“

Louis started to laugh. “I didn’t even meet her!“

“Tell me!“, Jenna begged.

“Her name is Naks and I really like her. She is adorable. I like the way she acts – she is totally like me. Andi t was fun to distract the lads in the meantime.“ He grinned at Harry. “So the two of us weren’t the only ones without a girl on our side.“

“Did you miss me a lot?“, Jenna asked Harry shyly.

“Oh, he missed you did he!“, Kata laughed.

“He cried yesterday the first time when we watched ‘Love actually‘ because he missed you so much!“, Liam added – if they end each other’s sentences you know it’s meant to be.

“Aww, Harry, I also missed you so much! The girl at school were horrible! It feels so awkward. Like I was famous!“

“You are!“, Harry laughed. “If you girls would put videos of you singing on youtube you’d get more viewers than we do!“

“I don’t think so…!“, Maggie laughed.

“You girls all have a good voice.“

“You didn’t hear me singing“, Jenna interrupted.

“I did“, Harry grinned cheekily. “The walls in hotels aren’t thick. Especially not the one that’s seperating the bed room from the bathroom.“

Jenna blushed and looked at him with widened eyes. “And Kata and Maggie are also amazing singers. Maddie, would you sing for us? Only Harry and Zayn heard you“, Liam smiled.

Maddie shook her head. “No way!“


Jenna turned, afraid of a fangirl of her school but it was Sue. “I worried sick about you! Why did you l-“ She stoppe das she saw who was standing right infront of her. “Oh. My god.“

Harry smiled. “I guess you’re Sue. My name’s Harry and… yeah, I think you might know us.“

“Oh yeah, I do!“ She shook everyone’s hand and looked at Niall. “I like your accent.“

“Tanks“, he said and everyone laughed.

Jenna smiled at Sue who was still laughing at Niall (indirectly). Jenna sighed as she saw what kind of look Sue gave to Niall. This would probably end up in a huge mess.

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