Prologue:The Guardian

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Long time ago

A woman screams in terror as a bat-like creature pounces onto her.

The creature sank it's fangs into her neck, slurping up her blood in the proccess.

The entire world is completely filled with hordes of flying bat like vampire creatures known as Gyaos, creatures hungry for blood.

A Gyaos bites down onto a flying monkey and it began drinking it's blood, causing it to grow bigger.

The Gyaos rears back it's head and it lets out a mighty roar.

A little boy hids underneath a chariot, cowering from the chaos around him.

The monsters are everywhere, feasting on human blood.

All of a sudden, a Gyaos lands on the ground and it let out a mighty roar.

The boy widens his eyes in horror as the Gyaos began to slowly approach him, growling in anger.

The Gyaos opens it's jaws and it strikes down, preparing to attack the boy.

The boy shields himself with his arms, bracing for a painful blow but to his surprise, instead of receiving a bite, he heard the sound of a magic blast and the creature's screech of pain.

The boy opens his eyes and he his eyes widens in awe.

Glinda, the good witch of the South offers the boy a hand and with a soft smile, she questions.

" Are you alright young one?"

The boy shook his head and he took Glinda's hand.

As Glinda helps him up, she heard a loud roar from behind.

She turned and her eyes widens in horror upon noticibg three Gyaos growling at her.

Glinda quickly fires a magic blast at them before running off, pulling the boy with her.

Glinda runs through the burning city before laying sight of her castle.

Glinda opens the door, ushers the boy inside and she quickly shuts the door.

Glinda turns and she saw her guards and her people inside, taking refuge from the attack outside.

One farm girl questions Glinda.

" Glinda? What's going on? Whu...what are those things out there?"

Glinda answers.

" I do not know. Those creatures have been out there, attacking the innocent but, nothing I could do to stop them."

A munchkin questions.

" What can we do?"

Glinda shook her head and she hopelessly falls onto the ground, whispering in sorrow.

" I don't know. I really don't know."

The people closes their eyes in sorrow, hopelessness fills the room.

There is no hope. The Gyaos might wipe them all out in a matter of time.

But just when things are hopeless, all of a sudden, a young Emerald girl heard a loud thud, causing her to open her eyes.

Another loud thud could be heard and everyone begins to look up.

A sudden loud roar fills the air and Glinda opens her eyes in shock.

There's something out there, something very big.

Curious, Glinda and the people scales up the stairs to investigate the source of the sound outside.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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