What's going to happen to me??

What am I supposed to do??

The pain was unbearable. Who knew something as simple as a kick could bring so much pain.

"Quit your wining" I could feel the mans cold stare, watching me whine like a newborn child.

"I SAID SHUT UP" Another kick was received, but this time on my stomach, making me spit out blood.

"Please... Stop..." It was too much, I couldn't stop myself from crying.

Why is he doing this??

I was too worried about myself to notice Bum alarming me in the back of the room, I almost forgot he was there.

"(Y/n) look out!" I turned my head to see the man holding a metal baseball bat, right above my legs.


My right leg easily snapped like a twig.

Humans are very fragile.

My sobbing got louder. I don't know how much of this I can take.


My left leg broke just as easily.

I couldn't take it anymore. The world was swirling. I looked back up seeing the mans terrifying grin, as the the room began to fade.


"PLEASE HELP ME" A voice was heard through the rain. I feel like I've heard it before, but I'm not sure where. I quickly moved my legs to the voice, running through the empty ghost town, only hearing my feet slash through the water. Eventually finding myself in a dead end.


I quickly turned around, planning on retracing my steps. But a boy who was not there earlier, laid in the way, crying, pleading for help. I recognized him. It was Yoonbum. "B-bum..? Are you alright..?" I got down on my knees, wrapping my arms around him, trying my best to comfort him. I could feel is warm arms, hugging me tightly back. I felt so calm and at ease.


I suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from my back. I quickly turned my head from the shock, noticing a bloody knife sticking perfectly out of my back.


Why am I so cold.

I found myself covered in cold sweat, breathing heavy, trying my best to catch my breath.

Another nightmare.

My breathing was almost out of control, making me sit up, trying to calm myself down.

It felt so real. I almost forgot about my current situation.

It took me a moment to realize I was laying on top of a warn out futon, still in this fucked up basement. There was a strong sting coming from my legs, I glanced at them noticing cuts and bruises all up and down. As much as I wanted to scream just by looking at them, that would probably be a dumb move so I forced myself to stay shut.

"You awake?" The soft voice startled me, I'm keep forgetting I'm not the only one here.


I looked to my right revealing Bums worried expression, I'm surprised I didn't notice him before.

"Thanks for worrying" I quickly looked down, feeling myself blush a bit, I don't think anyone's been this caring, and I just met this man!

I was still clueless of why the fuck I'm even here in the first place. But I didn't want to keep bothering Bum with a load of questions. Instead, we just awkwardly sat through the silence. It's not like I didn't want to talk to him, I just didn't know where to start. I Decided it would be best to just lay down and try to fall back asleep, trying my best to ignore the unbearable pain in my legs.

Too bad not long after I shut my eyes, the door up the stairs flew open once more, startling me.

Please no, not again.

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