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Hey sup guys!Look,LOU guys loads of stuff.i hv exams n when i first published this book,i had JUST finished my 1st round of exams.My final one,THE MOST IMPORTANT one,is inless than a month.Im not even suppose to be here writing!But hey,im a rebel at heart,i dont submit easily.Soooooo yea.....if i dont update for a while,well,u kmow the reason!

Mari's pov

"So,erm,what do you think Boss wants us for?There hasn't been a mission issued to us for months!"I asked Bri,Rose and Mei as we walked down the pristine white corridors.I always thought that it needed some colour.Master Fu still hasn't replied my plee to allow me and the gang to paint the walls,though he looked mildly interested when I suggested it.

Hey,even teenage super spies need some down time!

"Fu?You asked for us?"Rose knocked and said boldly.She had the most guts and always wanted the part of the mission that involved fighting although she was a pretty good hacker as well.However,we left that part to Mei.She was the best computer whiz in the agency.As for Bri and myself,well,we did all the heavy lifting.We planned strategies and did them ourselves,usually using each other as distractions while the other did whatever inside thing we had to do.

Most of the time,I did the 'doing whatever we had to do' part.I used my senses to find out different everyday objects to turn into weapons or equipment.I was also the smallest and the one with the most self-control when it came to missions.

Rose was usually too impulsive.Mei too hesitant.Bri too loud and...um...unsecretive.I...guess?

Nevertheless,we were all as close as can be.Nothing can separate us.

A robotic voice from the door said,"Passcode please."

"Urgh!I forgot about this!"I lamented.I really just wanted to get to the boss,not do this stupid power testing thingy!

Oh wait.I forgot to mention that we all have powers as well.They were inherited from our parents.

I have the power of the mind and emotion.I can bend somebody's will to my disire and control emotions.In addition to all that,I could control water and it also heals me.I had the most dangerous power of everybody,so I kept mine under strict dicipline.And yes,I know my water powers are basically Percy Jackson's.So what?That makes me love them even more!

Bri has the power of the heart and voice.She can sense who is our other half and can convince basically anybody to do anything at all.This is why we can never say no to her!However,I just made this up,'every swan has a sharp beak'.As well as all that,she controled plants and animals adored her.Basically Snow White with plant power.Once,she strangled an ememy victim with poison ivy!Don't get on her bad side.

Mei had the power of time,but only to a certain extend.She was second in line for the level of power.She could only slow or whatever with time for a short limited amount of time but could pinpoint the exact amount of time we had left in any mission we had.However,get her too mad and you become a frozen statue.Literally.Yup.You heard me.Mei is basically a chinese timey turny whachamacallit Elsa.You have no idea how long we had to endure her singing "Let it Go".Torture.(im gonna enjoy looking at the comments later;))

Rose had the power of sound and light.This gave her the upper hand in any fight as she could make it seem so bright that it blinds you and deaf.In addition,she could control fire and create it if she concentrated and fly.Yeah you heard me.The girl named after her mother's favourite flower is a crazy fighting machine that blinds,deafens,burns and kicks you in thin air.There are reasons on why she hits you so high up.

We quickly performed our elemental and mental powers on the doorin such a special way that only a team like us(which means no one else) could ever achieve.

We strolled into the room,not having a care in the world.

Master Fu turned around on his black leather chair classic 'evil villan style' and chuckled at our failed attempts not to laugh.This is bringing back memories of our failed 'Try Not To Laugh Challenge' a few weeks ago.

"Miraculousers.Nice to see you again.I have a new mission for you,"

Yea i love me cliffhangers!Lol....actually not really la.I hate them loads.I would snap a book shut really,really loudly if im reading a book and it ends at a hugggeeeee cliffhanger and the next book dosent come out til next year.Trails of Apollo the burning maze anyone?

And another one was the inqisition from the summoner triology.

Hate them cliffhangers.

Love givin em.

Panda out!*sa-lute*

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