。character built

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You do not have to answer all those questions but if you want a material in your hand as you write a character, the following questions would be helpful. Though, you do not have to answer all of them.

 Though, you do not have to answer all of them

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Full Name:

Birth date:

Birth place:

Current Location:

Family members:




1. What do they look like? (height, weight, eye/hair colour)

2. Do they have any distinguishing marks on their body (a mole, a birthmark, a missing finger, a tattoo, etc.)?

3. Do you have any medical problems, diseases, injuries? What do they like to wear?


1. How do they socialize?

2. What are their hobbies?

3. What is their favourite colour?

4. What is their favourite place to vacation and why?

5. What is their favourite book?

6. Who is their favourite actor?

7. Who is an actor they can't stand?

8. What is their favourite movie?

9. Which movies do they absolutely hate?

10. What is their favourite TV show?

11. What is their favourite food(s)?

12. What is their favourite restaurant?

13. What most annoys them?

14. What makes them laugh?

15. Do they believe it's okay to tell a lie and under what circumstances?

16. Are they an introvert or an extrovert?

17. What things might they be asked to do that they hate doing but do anyway (attend birthday parties, weddings, do chores for their elderly aunt, etc.)?

18. Have they ever been arrested and why?

19. Who would they lay down their life for?

20. Who would they really like to tell off?

21. What are their spending habits?

22. Do they enjoy hot weather, or do they prefer colder temperatures?

23. Favourite season?

24. What are their bad habits?

25. What trait do they find most admirable at others?

26. Are they leader or follower?

27. What scared them most?


1.When they were a child, what did they dream of being when they grew up?

2.Who was their best friend as a child?

3.Who is their best friend now?

4.Who are all of the people whom they have dated?

5.Why did their relationship with each person they dated not work out?

6.What is the worst thing that ever happened to them?

7.What is the best thing that ever happened to them?

8.How did they meet their current significant other?

9.Who important to they have died in their life and how did they cope with their deaths?

written by somniatis_

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