×{Chapter 1 - Another way?}×

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~(Y/N)'s P.O.V)~

I has been some time since I had tried to play a genocide run.....but after I watched (Favorite YouTuber) play it my curiosity for it has been greatly reduced!....except for one thing, the thing that many people call the almost impossible boss battle, the Sans's battle, it was the only thing I was still curious about. I wanted to know how really difficult was it and to see how longer I could last in it but...that would mean I had to almost complete the genocide route or in another words I had to kill Papyrus to get to that fight, of course the thought of actually kill him has passed through my head but I quickly gave up on it and that idea ended up being forgotten in the labyrinth of my mind. So here I am, laying on my bed lazily while watching Undertale related videos as I wait for my popcorn to be finished, but while I was looking through the hundreds of videos one in particular had caught my interest. It was about the different things you could see in the game if you messed with the files and of course with my boredom and a bit of curiosity overtaking me I clicked on the video, it was actually pretty entertaining! I kept watching until one interesting thing was brought up, it was about a website that helped you mess up with the files in case you didn't know the code numbers for certain things or places, it was called Flowey's Time Machine and that perked up my interest "Does that mean that I could straight up skip to the end of the genocide route?.....So there is another way of my battling Sans without killing Papyrus myself!!' I thought as I excitedly open a new tab and type the name of the website. As the website shows up I am greeted with a set of options of certain events in the game that I could choose off, one of them being the Sans's Battle, at that point I was already doing my victory dance as excitement and joy build up inside of me. After I click on the 'Sans's Battle" option the rest of the slots were filled with the needed information, even the name of the character! Though when I looked at it I didn't like it 'Chara?.....Eh sounds a little way too cliché....' I thought as I click on the name to change it 'Hmmm....what should I name the character? I want something different ... Something funny and perhaps quite ironic. Hmm maybe I should call them Sans, I mean its a little ironic Sans battling 'himself' but that name sounds quite boring at the same time.....' I shrug as I place my hands on the keyboard again 'Oh well we have to go with what we have!' I thought as I quickly type 'Sans' on the name option but as I look at it I see that I had typed too fast and accidentally wrote 'Snas' instead of 'Sans' I give a big chuckle and try not to burst into laughter at the name as I say out loud "Perfect!!" then I save the files and open the Appdata. I open the 'Undertale' file and replace my old files with the new ones, after that I quickly open Undertale. I skip the intro as I excitedly press 'continue' and I almost jump out of joy to see that I was in the Judgment Hall, I make my character walk forward as Sans appears and starts talking. I still couldn't believe that I was here, about to battle Sans the Skeleton! I grin as the battle starts and after Sans gave his famous speech the fight had begun. His first attacks were too quick that I almost didn't have time to move! I was already with less than half of my HP as I say out loud "I'm so incredibly screwed" the battle continues as I try my best to dodge the attacks and I mean tried because with each attack my HP would keep getting lower, even after using some items I would loose almost double the HP because of his attack! Which kinda made the items seem almost useless but hey HP is HP and I need all the HP possible in this battle. I was going pretty good in my terms, I was on 1HP so I decided to use an item but I accidentally clicked too fast and I clicked on the wrong button which made me lose my chance of recharge and with it went my chances of winning this battle. With one final attack I lost, I had to be honest that I was kinda frustrated 'just because I missed that little stupid button!!! Urghh!!' I thought as I read the words on the screen 'Don't lose hope yet! Snas! Stay determined!' I start laughing when I see the name written on the screen "Oh I know its going to get annoying by some point but for now I just love that name!" I say as I walk towards Sans again, completely forgetting my frustration. Another battle has begun and of course that I lost it, I kept loosing and loosing and laughing at the stupid name every time I did so. This went on for several hours that I didn't even notice that it was night time already. I was in the middle of the fight until the lights of my room suddenly turned off causing my to jump surprised and to get yet another game over screen. I look around my room quickly and slightly panicking, the light from my computer screen being the only source of light that I have at the moment. I was always scared of the dark....I mean not the actual dark itself I could still stay in dark places but not in a complete void of darkness where you can't see anything or anyone around you! Unfortunately this was one of those dark voids that I'm so terrified of, my breath quickens a bit as hold my plushie close to me and blindly looks for my trusty flashlight on my nightstand. After I finally find it I turn it on and look at my surroundings quickly then I slowly get up and walk towards my bedroom door 'Where am I even supposed to go in a blackout!? Everywhere looks like a black void of nothingness!!!' I thought as I hesitantly open my bedroom door and point the flashlight at literally every direction 'maybe if I had a weapon I would feel more safe until the light came back!' I thought reassuringly to myself as I walk downstairs towards the kitchen cautiously and after what seemed like an never ending staircase I finally make it to the kitchen doorway. I enter the kitchen and open one of the drawers then I quickly pull out of it a kitchen knife, I take a deep breath as I cautiously walk out of the kitchen and as I was about to walk upstairs I notice the lights on my bedroom turning back on signalizing that the blackout was over. I sigh in relief and walk back in the kitchen to put the knife back and as I place the knife back inside the drawer I remember that I had made popcorn and that they are probably more that finished by now 'Hmm...since I'm already downstairs why not watch a movie? I have my popcorn and my plushie here and energy is back so its the perfect moment! Plus it will help me get more relaxed!' I thought as I open the microwave and take out the now warm popcorn and put them in a bowl then I walk to the living room and sit down on the couch. I turn on the TV and select (Favorite Movie) then I make myself comfortable, hug my plushie close and eat popcorn as the movie starts.

>[TimeSkip to the end of the movie]<

I yawn tiredly as the credits start to show "huh, who knew watching a movie could make you tired" I chuckle to myself as I stretch my arms, but suddenly as I was doing this I hear a door slam from upstairs making me jump and squeak in surprise. I cautiously and quietly look out from the living room's doorway at the staircase and notice that the door that was slammed shut was MY bedroom door. I feel my heart skip a beat as I hesitantly make my way upstairs towards my room, each step that I took made my heart beat even faster and as I grab the doorknob I take a deep breath and slowly open the door slightly then peek inside, everything seemed to be untouched and there seems to be no traces of anyone ever being there except for me. I fully open the door and enter my room "strange.....I guess maybe it was the wind or something...?" I think out loud as I look around my room and as my eyes caught the glimpse of my computer that was still on the bed I noticed something weird, the screen wasn't showing game that I was once playing but was showing my Email homepage. I raise an eyebrow at this and sit down on my bed next to the computer as my eyes scan the screen, there was apparently one new and unread email that I got, I hesitantly click on it as the message shows up. The email didn't show who it was from nor the subject, it only showed the date and the message on it, and as I look at the date my heart seemed to stop for a second 'this....this was sent 5 MINUTES ago!!!' As I try to stop myself from panicking I read the message written in it 'Don't you know how to greet a new pal?' And just as I finished reading these words I hear a deep chuckle from behind me....

Just a Game (Sans X Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now