Chapter 15 - The storm

Start from the beginning

His eyes, alight with fire shone and he nodded. "Okay sweetheart," he said, "Let's go home."
A small smirk crossed her face as he turned and picked the basket back up. He held her hand as they moved off the beach and over to the car. He unlocked the car door and placed the basket inside. There was a certain amount of excitement radiating off him and she couldn't help but laugh. He turned around to face her, his eyebrow raised. "Something funny?"

"You are," she chuckled, "You're so excited."
He grinned and a sarcastic look crossed his face, "Of course I'm excited sweetheart. I've always wanted to sleep with the prettiest girl in school."
A blush covered her face as she rolled her eyes at him. She couldn't help but grin wider at his comment. The wind blew again and she caught a strange smell in the wind. She crunched her nose up in disgust. "Do you smell that?" She asked.

Kade's face frowned as he glanced around. "Is something on fire?" He asked.
Finley's eyes widened as the realization set in but it was already too late. Something large smashed into them and they went tumbling to the ground. She hit the ground with force but she moved quickly scrambling to her feet and scanning the surroundings for Kade. A huge demon was standing over him, its pincer white teeth hovered above his neck. Her eyes widened and she took a few steps forward but something hit her across the head. She fell forward, her head hitting the pavement. Her vision blurred but she could just make out the figure standing above her, his dark eyes staring down at her with amusement. "My dear, I thought we had come to an agreement. Clearly I was wrong in assuming that you would stand by your side of the deal," Arlin's voice said.
She frowned in confusion but before she could even open her mouth to answer the darkness took over and she passed out.
Finley awoke to darkness and the sensation that she was being watched. She blinked her eyes, struggling to gain her consciousness as the pounding in her head worsened. She could feel the blood that had trickled down the side of her face and she hoped that her injury wasn't too serious. As her eyes began to adjust to the dimness of the room she realized she wasn't alone. A row of four people sat in a line, at intervals, across the room. It was too dark for her to make out any distinct features but she had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach.

She sucked in a breath of air and the putrid metallic smell of blood engulfed her senses. She scrunched her nose up in disgust, trying to move up from the chair and realizing that she was tied to the chair with metal restraints. She took a few more breaths of air to try and calm her nerves and her racing heart. This wasn't good. She had no idea where she was or how she was going to get out of this situation. Arlin's words echoed in her head and she sighed in confusion. What had he been talking about? She had kept up her end of the deal.

She heard the click of a door and her head snapped in the direction of the sound. A second later light blared up around her, illuminating the room. She recognized the room immediately and a feeling of dread washed over her. It was the Old Theatre where Arlin had hosted one of his parties. Her eyes scanned the room and stopped on the four chairs in front of her, each holding a person that she knew.

In the first chair sat Jin Oakly, the Asian warlock with the dyed red hair that had helped her at the supernatural market place. There was an ugly bruise under his right eye and a bloody scar along his jaw. As well as a dagger that was sticking out from his chest. Sweat had gathered on his brow as he breathed heavily, pain clear on his grimacing expression.
Draven Michaels sat in the second chair. The rough werewolf with the blue Mohawk that had also provided her with assistance was barely conscious. There was a large open wound across his chest, blood seeping from the wound and pooling on the floor in front of him.
Finley's gaze moved to Kailee's fearful violet eyes that were full of tears. Her face and body were covered with cuts and bruises, like she had been run over by a car.
In the final chair, Kade was slumped over. Cuts littered his once perfect skin, blood oozing down his entire body. A bruise covered his cheek and there was a cut across his lips. He was looking at her sadly, almost regretfully so and her heart clenched at the sight of him.

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