ChApter Two

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I hear my sister and her friend giggling and laughing with some music playing and I walk my fast wanna be grown ass in her room being only 18 and them being much older made me mature faster then I should have.

Claysa rolls her eyes and sits on her bed looking at me like I was intruding.

"Why y'all getting dressed up for?Can I come?"

Friday my sister best friend smiles and lays by my sister on her bed.

"Claysa let her come she never tells on us besides we need someone to get us past security she's thicker then us both!"

I smile and mug my sister while sitting on her bed.

"Please, if I can't come can you at least drop me off at my boyfriend house?"

Claysa stares at me closely before responding.

"What the fuck y'all be doing in their anyways?"

I smirk and giggle not saying I be letting her boyfriend and his brother take turns fucking me see I wasn't that innocent..

"Anyways I can have Troy drop us off at the Jodeci concert."

Troy was her boyfriend and Delay was my boyfriend and I was trying to see how long she was going to be so I could smoke blunts and let the brothers freak me but my sister desicion was what changed my life forever.

"You know what come on go pick an outfit out my closet and come on because ima beg Troy for a ride there!"

I smile and walk in her closet and look for the sluttiest outfit ever..I knew a little about Jodeci I mean they came out a few months ago and my sister and all her friends went crazy from their music.

I pick my outfit and hop my ass in the shower as my sister and Friday giggle and speak about what they would do if they could meet them backstage, I had no idea who the guys was so didn't say but much getting myself ready....

After getting dressed and letting my sister do my make up and pick my shoes I stepped outside with them behind me looking to good..

"Is it just me or do I look older then 18?"

I smile and walk real sexy like making my sister frown a little but she didn't say anything to me.

Friday links her arm with mine and Claysa links my other arm.

"Look the plan is you distract the security guard and we sneak in an....."

Friday cuts her off...

"I grab Dalvin and you grab DeVante!"

"What the hell are you talking about?I thought K'Ci an Jojo were the group!"

I reply dumbly..

Claysa and Friday double over with laughter but become silence when Troy pulls up in his car.

"Fuck y'all dressed up for if this a work thing?"

I smirk because my sister lied to Troy about the concert because she knew he would be mad.

We hop in his car as she feeds him lies and me and Friday whisper about about how my sister was a manulaptive ass chick.
When we pull up to the place it's packed but my sister hops out the car and we follow her leaving Troy to find his way outta the crowd of people waiting to get in the little club.

"Why you say this was a concert?"

"Shit the bitch who sold me these tickets said that it was a concert!"

We stand for an hour before finally giving the people the tickets before walking in the club..

Four men stood in the center of the club singing their hearts out and the one on the piano was very sexy but I followed my sister and Friday to a table that was kinda in the back away from everyone since I was only 16..Friday orders a drink and I completely forget about the singing as the liquor hits my body instantly.

"You okay lightweight?"

Claysa laughes and Friday hands me another little shot.

"Fuck that enjoy yourself before your twenty one!"

I take shot after shot and that's when I hear the most beautiful song ever.

"It's been so long since I touched a lady and I'm still waiting for you to come back to me.Will you forgive me for all the wrong I've done......."

I stumble my ass on to the stage with my sister trying to call my name. I stumble towards the piano and sit by the mystery man playing the piano who was staring at me and never missing a note while singing.

When our eyes connected I felt my soul leave my body and that scared the shit out of me but I couldn't turn away from his eyes plus I was really really drunk.

My sister manages to get Friday to snatch me off stage and I follow them back to our table.

"That was DeVante Swing!You know he's part of Jodeci!"

Claysa smiles really hard and squeezes my hand..

"You had balls to go up there but from now on just sit and drink yo drank nothing else!"

Drinking more drinks and I can barely lift my hand when the men who were singing walk to our table and the one playing the piano walks up to me and sits by me.

"Umm you okay?"

I smile sheepishly until someone grabs my sister nd we all turn and see Troy pulling my sister away from K ci wondering hands. Friday tried to help my sister and I sit there dumbly as the man pulls me from the table towards the back of the club.

"I'm DeVante and you?"

"Malvillen." I reply as he gets real close to me.

"You look good in your outfit I saw you when you walked through the door I was singing about you!"

I turn around and notice his breath smells like peppermint and we gaze in each other eyes.

"You look very good."

I smile as he puts his hands on my hips and mine around his shoulders.

"Your drunk arent you?"

"Yes honestly I'm not a drinker but hey I was out with my sister!"

We stand there rocking back and forth dancing in our own little world when my sister appears and grabs my arm.

"C'mon girl Troy waiting on you!"

She gasps when she sees DeVante Swing standing there and recovers herself and grabs me..

"Ay you got a number I gotta keep in contact with you!"

I'm  guessing I rattled off something because he smiles and says he'll keep in touch as I follow my sister out the door..

Boy I hope I gave him the right number because I was so drunk as soon as my head hit my pillow I was knocked out..

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