Chapter 4: The Laboratory

Start from the beginning

I stood up defiantly, ready to defend. "(Y/N) don't," he warned.

"You might as well listen to the pipsqueak, girly," he taunted. I grimaced, gritting my teeth.

"Don't call me girly again," I growled. He just got closer to my face, glaring down at me with his violet eyes.

"Then what do you prefer, huh, girly?" Ed managed to get back up and kick him, but barely missed. I tried to punch him as well, but he backed away.

"Whoa now, there's no need to fight. Someone could get hurt, you know." Ed was about to use his alchemy, but then his arm fell to his side. Oh no.

Stepping up, I used my alchemy to blow the guy away, but he ran around and tried attacking me with the sword. He barely gave me any time to use my alchemy. Then, thrusting my hands out, he was forced back by a spur of wind. Before I knew it, he threw the sword to me. The blade cut me along the side of my stomach, causing me to fall in pain. He walked over to Ed and drove his knee into the kid's stomach, making him collapse as well.

"You're lucky you two can't move anymore. If not for that, you wouldn't be getting off so easily," he said coldly with a grin.

The woman was giving us a warning of some kind, but I was losing too much blood to even listen. I looked back up to the guy who attacked me. He was standing there with a hand on his hip, smiling down at me sadistically. My vision was getting spotty, but before I passed out, I managed to hear one thing.

"Blow it up."

When I woke back up, I was in a hospital room and it was obviously daytime. I looked over to see an officer with short, brushed back, dark blonde hair sitting there. Guess he was told to watch me. He didn't seem so happy about it since he had a sour scowl on his face and his narrowed eyes burned with some sort of disatisfaction.

"Hello," I said with a rough voice, emitting a cough.

"Don't force yourself, your wound hasn't fully healed yet," he said, crossing his arms. "You took a pretty bad cut and needed stitches. So I wouldn't recommend trying to move."

I just nodded and laid back. The officer left eventually, leaving me alone in the room for a little bit. Lt. Ross came in shortly after with Brosh, looking extremely relieved.

"Wind Alchemist, ma'am," the two said with a salut. I just giggled, much to my pain.

"What's with the formalities? I may be a higher rank but you can just call me (Y/N)."

They breathed out a sigh of relief before starting to lecture me. "What were you thinking?! You guys could've gotten hurt! You don't have to face these things alone."

"I know. I was going to say something to Ed and Al but they seemed so set on getting to the laboratory as fast as possible," I said. When we were all calm, another thought came to mind. "Speaking of which, what happened to the fifth laboratory?"

"Well, someone blew it up into rubble. I'm sorry but there's nothing left," Ross said. I just sighed. This was just great.

"Did you guys find anything in there?" Ross added. I nodded, to which they looked intrigued.

"It turns out they were using prisoners for some kind of experiment. I found a few documents that were left behind that had prisoner's information in them. I have a feeling they were used to make philosopher's stones."

The two looked petrified, almost in disbelief. Is that what I looked like when I found out? It's very possible, without a doubt. I also felt guilty having to drag them into this, as I'm sure Ed and Al are too. If it were me, I wouldn't want anyone else to get hurt. But then again, I don't have to face these things alone.

"Well, there was a prison right next to the lab," Ross commented.

"And the lab seemed to still have electrical power," I added.

"I don't even want to think about that," Brosh said, and Ross nodded in agreement. So did I; I didn't want to think about it either, but this is the cold truth.

"On a lighter topic, how are Ed and Al?" I asked.

"Ed woke up and is still recovering. Al is still here in the hospital," Brosh said. I nodded, thanking him for telling me that. What I didn't understand though is why or how we got out of there.

"Wait, how did we get out when it had been blown up?" I asked.

"Oh, this person carried you and Ed out, telling us to keep a better eye on you," Ross said. "They left before I could ask anything else."

"What did this person look like?" I asked, desperate to know how I'm still alive when those people who attacked us seemed so bent on killing us.

"Well, with the dirt and all I couldn't really make out that much. Just a skinny figure and long black hair. But they had a really raspy voice," Ross described. It sounds like that guy who had stabbed me. But, why would he save someone he wanted to have dead?

I just nodded, too dizzy from the sedatives to even think anymore. Brosh and Ross were about to leave, when yet another question came to me.

"Hey did you guys assign someone to watch me earlier? Blonde hair and a bit condescending?" The duo looked at me confused.

"No one was told to watch you or the Elrics." Well that's bizarre.

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