chaper 10

252 8 7

Kelly POV
I got out of bed and got dressed in a t-shirt and shorts. That dream was still on my mind, it was strange and kind of creepy. I decided that it was just a dream and that I should forget about it and walked downstairs to eat some breakfast. I remembered what Sam and I had to do today. At first I thought it would be tiring but then I remembered that it was all for Alexa. I decided to skip breakfast and checked the time: 6:19. Dad wakes up soon so I had to work fast. I ran outside and into the garage to look for the crowbar. "Come on...." I muttered, digging through the tools. "He must have moved it." I ran back into the house and started looking around, that's when I noticed that the only room I haven't looked is dad's room. I tiptoed over to the door and pressed my ear up against it. All I heard was snores, so he should be asleep. I quietly opened the door, how I wish I didn't.....


Blood was splattered all over the floor and the walls. 3 bodies on the floor. One with a clever in it's head, another with it's chest cut open with it's organs coming out all over the floor. And the last one was knocked out with blood trickling down their head. A tape recorder was next to the door playing a snoring sound on loop to make it seem like someone was sleeping. I gagged and covered my mouth. I wanted to look away but I couldn't, it was too disturbing. I turned around to run but instead of my house it was a long dark hallway dripping with blood and gore. Then I saw the dead body of Alexa. Her face was mangled and bloody.

And then I woke up.

BOOM! yes! I did it.... Finally... I made a filler.... I'm so sorry xD I'm not even going to try to name an excuse. I'll try to upload more but The Sims is really addicting...

the neighbors daughter? (Hello neighbor fanfiction)[discontinued]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum