Dare #2

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Me: THOMAS!!!!!
Tommy: Behind you, once again.
Me: Good. You have another dare.
Tommy: What the fuck people?!?
Me: *slaps him upside the head* Behave yourself. Anywho, the dare is from dreabvb21 and they said, "Hey Tommy, how's the g-string feeling? *smirks evilly* I have another dare for you, kitty. You are to sing the crooked man song and then wear a hot pink dress. No complaining, Thomas."
Tommy: Two things, first I can't sing to save my damn life and second there are three people in this world aloud to call me Thomas and unless you are my mother, my sister, or Adam you are not one of them.
Me: Just do it ya wussy.
Tommy: Fine but if you go deaf don't blame me. *sings the song and puts on the dress* There.

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