C.A. Cupid:Chapter 3

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After summer, I was royally ready to start at my new school. I couldn't wait! This year would have a very special Legacy Day, where students would pledge to follow their destiny. It was gonna be a page-ripper! There was only one problem—"It's not yet time for you to go," dad insisted.

Through the looking glass, I watched Orientation. The daughter of the Evil Queen learned she could call destiny into question. This has to be the moment! "Not yet," dad stood firm.

Days passed into weeks, until one morning, dad came running with my already-packed suitcase, frantically shouting "It's time! Legacy Day rehearsal... choice... destiny... they need you now!"

Confused, I took a deep breath and stepped through the looking glass. The world became awash with color. I spread my new fairytale wings, and flew down to the school I would call 'home'.

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