6.First Signs

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After coming back from the milkshake place and spending the rest of the day playing with Tiny, Y/n finally went home and Wilbur was able to text her the questions he had. He found she was a lot calmer sounding over text and was able to say more. She explained everything (just things she does) and mentioned a few more (talking to herself). She apologized after almost every one and Wilbur kept reassuring her that it was okay. He didn't think it was weird at all, just look at his family! She had to admit that that was a point. Finally, she said she was really tired from all that running around and that she'd better get to sleep. They both said goodnight and went to sleep.
Y/n, while exhausted, still took some time falling asleep. She felt so warm and fuzzy inside that it almost scared her, anything that made her that happy made her at least a little bit nervous because it could taken away at any time. She couldn't let herself care for the moment, she was sleepy. She drifted off with a smile.
Wilbur was tired too but took longer still to go to sleep. He felt warm inside as well but he couldn't figure out why. It all lead to him believing that she was his friend and he was just glad to have a friend and be so close to her too. He eventually fell asleep puzzling about the looks his mom gave him and what Carl had kept saying.

Y/n woke up around 10 in the morning. It was not the first time being up this early but she couldn't remember when she fell asleep. She reluctantly got up and got some coffee. She lazily walked around the house (her dad went to work) and pondered if it was too early to be texting Wilbur. She stopped for a moment to wonder if she was getting too attached too quickly.
Yes but it's okay cause it'll be that way for a about a month or so. It's normal. She nodded slightly and made peace with the thought. She did get that way when meeting new people (even worse with new guys). She had to accept that weird nervousness. He was so nice, accepting, and supportive. One couldn't help but like them, especially someone with anxiety towards someone who offered to talk to people for her. She briefly wondered if he would ever like her back but shut that down. Getting attached is normal, worrying about attraction wasn't. Not for her standard of normal progression, not this early.
Y/n finally decided to text him and sent a simple 'good morning.' Not even five minutes later she got a 'good morning' text back. She couldn't help but squeal and remind herself how fucking screwed she was and she should calm down. She ignored her own advice and kept on grinning like a maniac.
'What's up?'
'Nothin, mom just got me up.'
'Lol so is anything happening today'
'Mom wants me to do some chores and I thought we'd hang out at your house.'
'Oh rlly. There's not much to do here.'
'You do something to have fun. Hell we could just nap or somethin'
'Alrighty then lol'
'See ya later'
'See ya'
Y/n smiled at her phone. She wondered how she would be when he came over. It was too early to know how she would act. Nervous and awkward probably, since there wasn't a lot to do here.
Y/n decided to not care and refilled her cup.

Maybe an hour later there was a knock at the door. Y/n felt a bit embarrassed at how fast she jumped up but mentally swatted it away. She opened the door.
Wilbur stood there grinning, "Sup buddy."
"Sup friend!" He steps inside and kicks off his shoes. Y/n awkwardly stands in the kitchen, swinging her arms. "What now?"
"I don't know, what do you usually do?"
"Draw, internet, eat," She said shrugging, "Alone things."
Y/n sighed. "I dont know man, I'm tired. I mean, if you want to-"
"Well if you don't want to-"
"Wilbur," she interrupted, looking exasperated, "Do you realize that I'm going to agree with most of what you say? I'm a follower, that's what I do."
He raised his eyebrows but nodded, "Yeah, I figured." He meant it in a good way. Y/n knew it too.
Wilbur just smiled, "So, what kind of movies do you have?"
"Holy shit, a shit ton. Come here, look."
Y/n lead him to the living room where a standard bookshelf completely filled with movies stood in the corner. Y/n motioned towards it and then walked over to a dresser and smacked the drawers, "There's a shit ton in here too."
Wilbur was impressed, he had a lot of movies too but it didn't seem as much as they did. Not in physical copies anyway.
"I've seen most of them a million times, you can just pick one." Y/n said, kind of sheepish.
Wilbur examined their collection and smiled at familiar titles. Y/n went and sat in one of the recliners and turning around to see him choose.
Wilbur plucked out 'Warm Bodies' and looked it over, this one looks interesting.
"This is old." He comments walking over to Y/n. She sees and smiles, "That's my favorite! And yeah, it's old but its so good. The book is even better." Her eyes shine as she turns the DVD player on. Wilbur felt warm seeing her excited over this. It's always a good time when she forgets about being self conscious.
Y/n fucks around with the buttons until she finally puts it in and sit back down, picking up the remote and fiddling.
"So what's it about?"
"I thought you read it.
"Eh, the cover looked cool."
"Well in a nutshell, a zombie and a girl fall in love. Which I know sounds really weird and cliche kind of," she starts talking fast, "but it's really beautiful to me for reasons I'm not saying. It's a great movie and they did a great job adapting it from the book but it's still just a shell of the book." She paused to turn down the volume for the previews. "The movie has just the love story, the book has the love story and bunch of other themes, poisoning of humanity, forgiveness, and what it is to be alive." Her voice got higher up and airy here, "Truly alive, not just breathing."
Wilbur looked at her in awe. She felt so strongly about it and spoke so passionately about it. He loved seeing that but, why?
Friend. She's my friend. He repeated again to himself but those words didn't seem quite right. He couldn't think of what else could fill in those blanks.
The movie menu finally came on and Y/n started it and the two went quiet. Wilbur to see what she was hyped about and Y/n to see Wilburs reaction to what caused her hype.

Wilbur liked it. Good music, it was cute. He couldn't, as hard as he tried, have the same type of enthusiasm as Y/n did but he liked it all the same.
Speaking of Y/n, she was curled up in the chair, looking very much like she was asleep. Wilbur wanted to check but didn't want to wake her up, yes he's woken her up before but that's different. Somehow.
At that moment Wilbur heard a door slam and he jumped. It took a second for the boy to realize that its her dad and in that second was how long it took for Y/n's dad to reach the living room.
He acts (with a smile) shocked before going good naturedly, "What are you doing here?"
"Watching a movie."
"What movie?"
"Warm Bodies."
"Oh god," He's laughing but exasperated. "Not that again."
"It was once."
"Oh, it's all the time! She always watching it."
Does she? Is he tired of it? Wilbur wanted to know.
Y/n's dad went into his room. Wilbur looked at Y/n who still looked like she was asleep. Wilbur went to go shake her when she moved suddenly. She wasn't sleeping, although now in fact she looks pissed. She ran her hand through her hair, getting it out of her eyes before making a face at the shut door to her father. She didn't make a sound but kept making mocking faces of what had to be her dad, which would have been funny if Wilbur wasn't concerned about what was making her do that.
Wilbur cocked his head, trying to ask a hundred questions with his eyes. Y/n finally noticed it and sighed.
"I'm fine." She huffed. Wilbur wasn't convinced. She rolled her eyes, "Its been months since I've seen that movie. It's not all the time." Her jaw was set and her eye was twitching. She's trying to keep calm.
Wilbur made a note that some things set her off and some things meant hardly anything. Her dad's complaining was one of the (seemingly) few things that pissed her off.
"Are... you okay?" Wilbur finally asked.
"I'm fine, it's just fucking annoying." She growled. She took a deep breath and forced herself to relax. She turned to Wilbur, "You wanna go outside or something? I have like, eight cats in the backyard that we brought with us."
Wilbur noticed she looked tired, her eyes were barely focused."Yeah, that sounds great."

Wilbur Robinson's Neighborजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें