1.Hello Neighbor

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It was another day in the Robinson house. Cornelius is in his lab tweaking with something, Franny is going over a new song with her amphibious choir, the rest of the family had their normal competitions and petty squabbles, and Bud has lost his teeth again.
Another day like any other except for one thing. Wilbur, the youngest of the household, was bored. Unnaturally so. He could usually find something to go investigate or someone to bother but today just seemed like nothing would be fun.
Wilbur was in his room with Carl tossing a ball back and forth to eachother, they're eyes weren't focused on anything in particular and if they were feeling any kind of emotion it wasn't showing on their faces.
Wilbur managed to get distracted enough to miss the next throw his way.
"Ha ha, you missed," Carl said with absolutely no emotion. Wilbur just sighed.
"There's gotta be something we can do today and not chores," Wilbur strained the last two words when Carl opened his mouth.
Wilbur launched himself off the wall to fall on his bed. Carl sank to floor. Eagle spread, Wilbur groaned in frustration.
"We've tried everything! Painting with Laszlo, racing with Billie and Gaston, playing fetch with Tiny, watch dad work, watching mom work, riding around with Art, and even talking with moms frogs! What are we missing here!"
"You getting grounded?" Carl chipped in. Wilbur shot him a look.
"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny. I'd actually like to avoid trouble for now. I only got ungrounded for the whole bringing younger dad here thing a week ago. I'm enjoying my freedom."
"Freedom of doing nothing."
"Well yeah, but it's still freedom."
"Y'know, we could probably go find out about Spike and Dimitri."
Wilbur sat up, "That's true. I wonder why none of us never thought to ask them."
Carl and Wilbur was only in a moment of silence thinking about their mysterious 'relatives' when their was frantic knocking on the door and Wilburs mother saying something muffled.
"We get it, you want in!" Wilbur called exasperated while Carl extends an arm to open the door. Franny looks excited.
"Guys! Guys! We have some amazing news! Come on and see!" She practically chirps and skips away. She comes back a second later to make sure her son and robot friend are following before leading them into and out the front lawn.
Many yards away from them are some moving trucks with people unloading boxes into a nearby house. There was only one person that wasn't wearing the moving company shirt but he worked just as hard if not harder than the moving guys.
"See! We have neighbors now! Sort of, they're pretty far away for neighbors but it works for me!" The energetic woman continues to express her joy in having neighbors and her plans to give them some of grandma Lucille's famous cookies. Wilbur didn't really pay attention to his mom but the small dark figure in an old beat up beige hover car parked near some other trucks. The figure appeared to be drawing.
"-and apparently he's got a daughter thats just a year younger than you Wilbur, you can make another friend!" Wilber snapped out of his concentration.
"Wait, what?"
"Yeah, 15 years old just last month. Her dad said she doesn't come out much so maybe you could go over there or something."
"Hmm... say, did the dad say anything about her being an artist by any chance?"
"Yes actually, he says she's a great artist. It seems like its only-" Wilbur stopped paying attention again. He could only think about a new prospective friend to show around.

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