Chapter 5: OW!

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YAY! I'm done with homeschool! And I only have 2 more days of normal school to go to. Does that sound confusing? I'm homeschooled, but I got to public school for band and language arts. Anywhooooo....Who's done with school???

Oh well. Here's chappie 5!! :{)


SONG OF THE CHAPTER: Use Somebody, One Direction version!


The next week nothing happened, just the usual. Boys had interviews, Gabs went to school, I home schooled Summer and went to work. The only thing making me nervous was the fact I still didn't have an answer for the boys...and they only had 4 weeks before tour. I've thought about it, but I keep coming up without a conclusion. I couldn't leave Gabs and Summer here, and they couldn't be schooled on tour. Well, Summer can, but Gabs can't. They are both incredibly intelligent, unlike me. I haven't been to school since I ran away.

"Bird. Bird. Bird?" Summer called me back.

"Huh? Oh yeah, are you ready for the test?" We were in the middle of her math lesson. She shook her head, and went back to studying her lesson. I looked around. Liam was lying on the couch, probably texting Danielle. From what he's told me, she's really nice. I haven't met her, but now after Liam's non-stop talking about her, I want to. Zayn was messing with his phone. The other boys were at interviews. Gabs was studying in her room.

My phone beeped, signaling that I had to go to work.

"Ugh," I moaned. "Liam?"

"Yeah, princess?"

"Teach Summer for me? I gotta go to work."

"Sure," he said. With that, I was off. Well, to my room at least. I grabbed a pair of black jeans, my Starbucks shirt, and a leather jacket. Zayn actually gave it to me. I grabbed my purse, stuffing my phone, wallet and car keys inside. I stuffed my converse on and ran downstairs. Zayn was waiting with a brush and hair tie. It took him just a quick moment to braid it to perfection.

"Thanks," I said. He nodded and walked off to perfect his own hair. I turned to Summer.

"Study, be ready when I get back," then turning to Liam, "make sure she's doing her work, would ya?" He nodded, and I'm out.

*At Starbucks*

"Bird! You're in charge!" My boss yelled, on his way out. Of course I'm in charge! I'm the only one there! I setting my purse on the counter, I pulled out my phone. I actually managed to remember my headphones. Plugging them in, I sat on the counter and ran through the artists. Adele, Demi Lovato, Katy Perry, One Direction, Pink...wait. One Direction? Since when did I add their music to my phone? I tapped them, and surely enough, their album popped up. 2 of them. One was Up All Night, and the other wasn't named.  I clicked on it, to find the titles of some of my favorite songs. Someday, Torn, Stereo Hearts, I Gotta Feeling and a bunch of others. I clicked on Use Somebody by Kings of Leon, just to hear what it sounded like. Harry's voice started the song, almost taking my breath away. It was flawless, all of their voices made the song flawless. Through the music, I was able to hear the door's bell ring. I hopped off the counter, gracefully landing on my feet. I paused the song, and took the ear buds out of my ear, putting under the counter along with my bag.

A few men walked in, all of them sitting down, except one. The one came up and ordered coffee for the rest. As I made their drinks, he was shamelessly flirting with me. I took a good look at him, noticing a lot of things. The biggest? He was old enough to be my dad. Literally, he looked 50-60 years. I handed him the drinks, telling him his total.He handed he a folded up 20 dollar bill, telling me to keep the change. I gave him a bitter smile as they all walked out. Unfolding the dollar bill, something fell to the counter. It was a business card with a handwritten number on it. Without hesitation, I flicked my wrist under the counter, the card landing perfectly in the trash can. The door opened again, revealing Zayn and Louis.

"Hey guys!" I said.

"Hey Bird," Louis said, no enthusiasm in his voice.

"He's tired..." Zayn said.

"So how 'bout hot chocolate for both of you?" They nodded and went to sit at a table. 

I started making a peppermint hot chocolate and a caramel hot chocolate. I ignored the world around me, making hot chocolate for two famous boys. My concentration was busted when the door opened again, harder than usual. A girl walked in, her face streaked with black tears, from her mascara. Her dirty blond hair was tangled and thrown. She had on ripped jeans, but they didn't look pre-ripped. She wore a stained sweatshirt, and carried a small bag on her shoulder. We met eyes, and she ran up to the counter.

"C-can I hide here? P-please help me," she said, in between gasps of air.

"Sure. Follow me." I helped her around the counter, where she just collapsed and started crying. I urged her to hide under the counter. She did, but not before the door burst open again. When I say burst, I mean thinking-the-door-will-fall-off-it's-hinges burst. In walked a boy, black hair in sort  of an emo-fringe, dark eyes and lots of piercings. He must have been what this girl was running from. He hopped over the counter, and grabbed the girl. Before I knew it, Louis was pulling me back and Zayn was fighting the guy. The girl scrambled into the corner, rocking herself with her knees pulled up to her chest. There were tears everywhere. I hear skin punch skin, and look to see Zayn gripping his nose, blood trickling between his fingers. I managed to get out of Louis' grasp, and running, I attacked him. He reacted by pulling me over his shoulder and slamming me on the ground. I quickly got back on my feet, swinging a punch that hit him right in the jaw. He punched me in return, and I dropped, hitting my head on something. I managed to punch him once more before falling to the ground. My eyesight got blurry.

"Bird? Bird? Can you hear me?" Louis questioned, kneeling above me.

Then everything went black.


So, how's that? There's the first of the 5 I owe you guys. Thanks for reading!!!

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