Chapter Three

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"But it's so corny, Steph!" I protested as she dragged me towards this tent with a sign at the entrance reading "Gaze into your future! Crystal ball and palm reading right here!" (I was hyper aware that she was clutching my arm, of course *wink*)

I know what the tent contained - this old lady who basically just mumbles the same mambo jumbo to everyone. On some days she could pass off as eccentric, but most days she's just a plain nutcase. There was no way she was still here right? The last time I was here she looked so ancient I was worried that she would pass out any second, and that was a long time ago.

"Welcome to the mystical world of the future! Now take a seat one at a time and gaze upon this crystal ball."

Okay, it really is her, i have no doubt about that now.

She spoke in a way that reminded me of Professor Trelawney from the Harry Potter series (and this was seriously not a good sign). And what was it with the creepy-looking stuff hanging on the wall?

Steph mouthed the words you first and pushed me towards the creepy old lady.

I took a seat and "gazed into my future" as she instructed me to. Wait, I see something! I do! And it's ........ a supermegafoxyawesomehot guy staring back at me from the crystal ball! Wow, I haven't seen one of those since I brushed my teeth in front of my mirror this morning!

"Oh wow, how fascinating this is," I tried not to roll my eyes.

" Ahhh, be patient, young man, the mysteries of the future and the past does not present itself to just anybody, you know, you've got to use your heart." She enunciated the last three words and nodded her head to herself.

Okay, this old lady is seriously creeping me out.

"Well, well, well, you've got a bit of a rough time coming up, young man," she continued to stare at the crystal ball. "But i've got a piece of advice for you."


"Do what your heart tells you to. That young lady over there," she nodded her head towards Steph, who was standing beside the entrance and staring at us with a curious expression on her face,"Your girlfriend?"

Okay, this took me off guard.

"We're just friends," I mumbled.

She nodded her head and smiled to herself as if this amused her, "Well, young man, life has a habit of presenting challenges to those in love. But remember, no matter what happens, follow your heart." She waved her hand, indicating that my time was up, and motioned for Steph to come.

I stood up for Steph to take my place on the chair and stood by the entrance while her session with the old lady took place.

Follow my heart.

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