dating them includes;

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finn wolfhard

— kissing his "frog lips"
— literally so much cheek kissing
— watching him play guitar
— "heeeeyyy sweetcheeks!"
— pulling dumb pick up lines on each other as a joke

wyatt oleff

— gaming together
— sooo much netflix and chill (not the dirty kind, ya nasties)
— car and plane ride naps are a constant when traveling together
— "i luh youuu." "i luh youuu too."
— a lot of nose kisses because it's his fave place to kiss you

jaeden lieberher

— movie dates x1000 and you best believe you do a movie review together on the way home
— him sharing his hats, beanies, and sweatshirts with you
— him teaching you how to skateboard
— you guys are like those adorable couples you see at theme parks riding all the rides together happily and constantly having your arms around each other
— him playing with your hair all the time because he really likes messing with it for some reason

jack grazer

— "HEY HOTNESS?!?!" "YEAH?" "I LOVE YOU." something you quite frequently shout to each other when one of you is in another room
— him jokingly being flirty with you, despite the fact you're already dating
— doing livestreams together, like a lot
— he either is making out with you hardcore or lightly pecking your lips, there is no in between
— him insistently trying to get you to ride skateboards with him, but you don't wanna because (pick your reason) , so you watch and film him riding instead

sophia lillis

— always taking photos of each other
— literally so much hand holding
— long walks together
— star gazing dates
— ridiculous nicknames for each other

chosen jacobs

— not getting to see each other that often, so hour-long facetime/skype calls are always a must
— good morning/good night texts daily
— game of thrones marathons
— the "dorky selfie taking couple"
— always blowing a kiss to each other before you leave one another

jeremy taylor

— you guys nap together literally all the time
— having random videos that don't make sense on your phone of when you two were goofing off together (most of the audio on them are filled with you guys cracking up though)
— he's practically the best cuddler ever and never passes up an opportunity to cuddle with you
— him shooting you the biggest, most dorkiest smile from across the room because he was most likely staring at you and realizing how pretty you are
— snack runs to the nearest convenience store

nicholas hamilton

— "you're such a dork." "you are too, so you can't say anything."
— car jamming together
— so many stupid selfies together
— twitter wars with him and wyatt
— teasing the loser's club and calling them your guys' children

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