Chapter 1

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"Master! Master!" I felt a pair of hands on my side pushing me back and forth "Five more minutes" I said weakly pulling the blanket over my head "Master, aren't you excited since today is your last day in this house?" I sat up on my bed "Oh right that's today huh?" I said rubbing my eyes "Good morning Master" Said Emma my maid who usually always wakes me up " Good morning Emma" I turned to face her "Well you better wake up and go eat breakfast so the moving people can get your stuff and move it to your new house" She said with her usual smile

"Yeah, you go ahead I still gotta change" I tell her pointing at my [F/C] pajamas "Of course master" as she said the bowed and left and shut the door behind her, I got up and stretched. I changed to my usual clothes, brushed my teeth and headed downstairs to the living room. Once there I saw my Dad and mom on the big table, what caught my attention was the maids that were standing behind my dad and mom. There was only one familiar face there and that was Emma's, I sat at the opposite side then my parents "Good morning mom, dad" "Good morning son, now your probably wandering who are the cute maids behind me. They from this day forward will be your maids so I hope you take care of them" My dad said with a devilish grin on his face, after my dad finished his sentence the maids from behind him moved to my side and began with introductions

"My name is Julia it's a pleasure to meet you" A girl with brown hair, brown eyes and of course the maid outfit and looked around my age "M-my name is Mia I-I hope we get along" the girl managed to say while stuttering with her words, she also looked around my age as well but a bit more shy "I'm Sakura nice t-to meet you" the pink haired girl said with a rather low voice "Mine is Ashley I as well hope we get along" she looked a bit more mature the the other who introduced themselves so I can only assume she's older "My name is Luna I look forward to working with you" said a maid with blond and whitish hair " Well you probably already know this but I'm Y/n from the rich L/n family I'll be in your guys care"

Just like that the maids excused themselves and left my parents and I alone in the room "So...what do you think anyone you'd be willing to marry" *So that's what this about* " I just barely meet them I can't say for certain" I told my dad rolling my eyes " You know at your age me and your mother were already married" "Yeah it's never to early to look for a bride" my parents told yet again " I know you guys have been telling me since I was fifteen" I said clearly not interested, my parents have tried get me to marry someone for these last two years going as far as to try to hook me up with other rich people in the city but managing to free myself from it in the end. That's what drove me to move out and today's is the last day from here on out no more arranged marriages...hopefully. I ate my breakfast as my parents continued to tell be about how they met, how they became official things they've told me thousands of times

As we finished our breakfast, my dad spoke up but this time with a serious face "So your sure you want to live without us?" I was completely sure of my answer "Yeah, I'm sure" "Well maybe the experience will make you mature a bit" added my mom, after a while of thinking my dad said "Fine, but if you ever feel the need to talk or anything I'm here for you" I knew he was, besides our differences he's always was there for me when ever I was feeling down or bad "Yeah, I know dad" I stood up "Well excuse me I've got some moving to do" I bowed and left the room

I entered my room to see it almost empty, the only thing still in the room was the bed but since it didn't fit out the door it was most likely gonna stay in the room and I'd get a new one at my new place anyway. I took a deep breath and saw my memories in this room pass by in my mind, good times and bad times but now it's time to start from zero! Hyping myself up I leave the room and headed out the mansion where a limo awaited for my arrival

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