Ch.1 Normal high school lives

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Casey groans as the alarm clock goes off.

"School why did it have to be school ?" Casey mutters as hits the alarm clock off the dresser.

Reluctantly Casey gets up from his bed and puts on his clothes. He was too tired to care if the clothes where clean or dirty all Casey wanted to do is eat breakfast  and get the school day over with. Casey walked down stairs to the kitchen  where his little sister Angel was eating Japanese style eggs with an Asian girl around Casey's  age.

The girl had Long jet black hair and yellow  eyes.  Casey looked at the Asian girl with wide eyes. He never invited her into his house ! And never plan to.

"HOW DID YOU GET IN MY HOUSE !" Casey exclaims.

The girl just replied with a shoulder shrug and took another bit of her eggs.


Irma always regretted seeking out on a school night. Why ? Because she was always tired in the morning which made high school feel longer. But nonetheless she got up from bed and walked over to one of her brother's bed and shook him gently.

"Timothy wake up" Irma whispered.

"Five more minutes Aunt May" Timothy muttered.

"We don't even have an Aunt May" Irma said. She sighs knowing the only thing that would wake him up.

"Granny made pancakes !" Irma said outload so he would hear her.

Timothy  jolted out of bed and screamed Pancakes. Irma smiled trying to contain her laughter. She turned to her other brother Jason who was an heavily sleeper. So the pancake trick wouldn't work. Irma grabbed a pillow and threw it at Jason.

"Ow !" Jason said as jolted awake and glared at her his sister.

"What the heck Irma ?!" Jason exclaims in his underdeveloped voice.

"Come on get dress Jason we're gonna be late" Irma said.

Jason mutters under his breath as he puts on a white T-shirt and followed Irma downstairs to the kitchen. At the table was Timothy muching on maple syrup pancakes and their grandmother, Granny.

"Oh yeah pancakes my favorite" Jason said as he sat down and took a huge bite of the pancakes.

Granny smiles as she sips her water. "I hope you like the homemade syrup on thoses pancakes, Timothy helped make the syrup" Granny said.

"Wow it's really good Timothy" Irma said as she took a bit or the pancakes.

Timothy blushed. "Thanks" Timothy said.

Irma turned her head to granny but granny stopped her.

"Let me guess you and Jason have another group project with Casey and you need to stay there until 10 ?" Granny said.

"Om yeah that's exactly what I was gonna ask you for" Irma said.

"Oh right but no later than 10" Granny said.

"Hey Granny you wanna go to the Spider-Man Homecoming" Timothy asks.

"Sure" said granny.

Just then the a car pulls up and beeps the horn.

"Speaking of Casey" Jason mutters.

"Bye granny" Irma said as she kissed granny's cheek and headed out to the car, Jason and Timothy following behind.

Irma opens up the door and gets into the car. Jason and Timothy got in the back of the car.

"Hi Casey" Irma said .

Casey flashes a smile at her than frowns. "You'll won't believe  who was at my house" Casey whispers.

"Tell me about it later" Irma whispers back.

Casey nods and drives off to school.

School was boring during the day but when school ends at 3 that's when things gets more interesting.


Note- Okay yes Pulverizer/Timothy  is in the story but we made him into a likeable character supporting character. I know it's sounds crazy but we made Timothy  like able. So he's not annoying or a wanna be but we made him a comic book fan and someone who enjoys cooking with his granny. We also made Irma, Mondo Gecko and Timothy  siblings.

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