"Mel, you ready?" Noah asked. "Yeah, let's go." I still had a bad feeling here. I didn't like it at all. We both had gone up to the highest floor. So this building has 27 floors. Eh, I was close. We stopped at the 25th. And this level looked more like it was someone's home rather than an office.

"Ok, listen to the both of you. Only some people have access to this room. This is where the CFO and CEO like to work. They made it similar to a home setting because they wanted a home setting. Now, both of you please be polite, we're about to meet the CFO. I started brushing out my skirt and blouse automatically. I don't know why. I was nervous but confident.

When we entered the CFO office it was big and classy, everything seemed to be made out of glass in here. In front of us was a woman. She had classic beauty. Brunette, talk, slim, she had her power suit on, and her face was pretty. She gave us both a smile that said hi, but she was not meant to be messed around with.

"Good morning, you're both early, five minutes. That's good. I like early people." I and Leila smiled while Noah looked impressed with himself." Now Noah will explain the work to the both of you. I expect the best. You both will be meeting the CEO soon. So remember to be on your best behavior in this office. Unfortunately, he couldn't come today but he will be here next week. Now, Leila, is your brother will explain." She stopped for a second," My apologies, please sit. I didn't realize you were both standing, have a seat." Both of us thanked her. Noah was more comfortable standing up. "Now, Leila you'll be two floors up working with the strategy and influence department. While Melanie, you'll be on this floor working with the CEO. I don't know why but the CEO really liked your profile. You should feel entitled." I smiled at her. Wow, I didn't know I had impressed the CEO so much. "Noah will explain the rest. Thank you for coming here." I and Leila turned to leave, "And girls," We looked at her nervous, "Welcome." I smiled at her. "Thank you." Leila smiled too.

"Wooh," Leila yells while leaving the office, "That Was nerve-wracking." She says. I agreed with her, "Tell me about it. I felt like my heart was going to explode." I and her were just glad to be out of there. "So, you'll be working with the CEO. Noah, how does he look?" Noah looks like he didn't want to answer.

"Come on, Noah, please. Let Melanie have a hint of what type of guy she'll be working with."

"Yeah, Noah." I told him, "Give me an idea." I say trying to probe some information out of him. Noah looked annoyed, "Alright. If I give you guys some info about how he is or how he might look, then will you both please shut up." We both nodded our heads. "Ok. I guess some women might say he is a handsome looking lad. He has nice eyes, and he's very polite."

"Oooh," Leila says, moving her eyebrows, "You'll be working with a handsome guy. I rolled my eyes at her while I kept walking. "Anyway, Noah what's his name?" I asked him curiously and wanted to know more. "Oh, Alex." I stopped in my tracks. The color from my face was drained. That name was a name I've been trying to escape. Leila saw me stop and saw my panic. She knew who Alex was and what he did to me. She knew everything.

I started panicking a bit. "Hey, hey, Melanie. Alex is a commonly used name. Don't worry ok. Relax." She was right. I know she was right, but the panic was still there. That name and face kept me up through so many nights. I had to go to therapy so much to try and move on. He had ruined almost everything for me.

I nodded, thankful for Leila being there for me. The rest of the day we were going over our schedules, salaries, our offices. Mine was only two doors down from the CEO. Which was ironic but on their floor, there were only five people really coming back and forth. I settled in and started working right away with them. For the next couple of days, this was routine. I would be there working and doing my work and going home. I hadn't seen the CEO he hadn't been back from where he was. But the most ironic thing was I felt like I was being watched the whole time. Like there was something always looking at me. But I shrugged it off. Probably my wild imagination.

It was Monday morning. Today was the day the CEO would be back and I was quite excited. I had tried to look up the CEO. But it seemed like he was never in any picture. It was mostly the CFO who was in everything her name was Geraldine Perez. She was very elegant and known, but she always meant professional. As I walked I made sure to look good enough before walking into work.

As I was going up the elevator I felt like there was someone watching me. Even in the elevator. I felt like something bad was going to happen. When I got off the first person I saw was the CFO. "Good morning," I say greeting her. She gave me a warm smile back, "Today, you'll be in the boss's office today. Are you nervous?" She asked me, I gave her a determined smile. "No. Not at all, ma'am." I tell her politely. She smiles at me, "Good, and don't worry. I am the mean one but he's polite. The nicest guy out there." Her words really reassured me. "Go on he's waiting." I start walking to his room. I felt nervous but I made sure to compose myself before entering his office.

"Good Morning sir," I started to say but when I saw who was sitting on the chair my whole body went numb. My shoulders felt like there was a building on them. My heartfelt like it was overwhelmed. The world started spinning. It was no one other than Alex. Before anything the world got black.

There was this feeling of a finger on my cheek. It felt like someone was caressing it. It kind of felt nice, I leaned into the touch. Slowly, my eyes started opening I remember I was still at work. So why did I fall unconscious? When I saw who was caressing me I felt like I was going to throw up.

"YOU!" I scream looking at Alex, while he just stared at me with a sinister smirk. "Hello, sweetheart." He greets me so evilly. I immediately got up. It seems like I was sleeping on the couch that was in his office. "What? How?" He saw how confused I was.

"Oh, this?" He asks me, Alex sits down next to me. I immediately started to bring my knees closer to me. Trying to be as far away from him as possible.

"I am the CEO if it wasn't obvious. Left our town and made a living for me and opened this successful business." He tells me simply, he turns to look at me with those eyes of his that I once loved. "When Noah gave me your profile, I was ecstatic. I finally found you after all these years of searching." He started leaning closer to me. "You left me. And I found you." My whole body was shaking. I spent my whole life trying to escape from him and now he's found me again. "I'll run away again," I told him to try to be brave. But Alex just laughed while spreading his arm out on the couch. "You can try?" He says intimidatingly.

When he was talking I got up and tried to bolt out. But Alex had caught me by my waist. "No," I say, trying to get him to let me go. "Woah. You're feisty" He says while throwing me on the couch. "Now listen, Melanie. Let's be smart here. Did you forget that your friend Leila is here, or what about Noah, or let's say your parents?" I felt like my heart was going to explode. He knew everyone I loved. And I know he wouldn't hesitate to kill them either.

"What do you want from me?" I asked him truly feeling defeated once again in a long time.

Alex stares at me, "Nothing, really. Just work for me." Even though his request sounded so simple I couldn't trust him. "That's it." I asked him, "Well no." He tells me, "I also want you to stay away from guys, I want you to be with me again. You know like the old times. We could be friends first. I don't mind. And you also need to dress more modestly. I could practically see your butt in that dress."

"You can't tell me what to do," I tell him, with a little more voice. Alex looks at me sharply, "Ah, ah, Melanie. Be wise I control your friends' safety, remember?" He's doing it all over again. He's trying to control me again. And I had no choice this time.


Ok, side notes this part of the section is from the book on amazon that I have published. I have decided to add a chapter as a thank you for everyone who did buy my book and everyone who couldn't afford it, I wanted to give you all an extra chapter and this is my Christmas gift for you all.

EXTRA EXTRA SIDE NOTE, if anyone reads my book on amazon it's WAYY DIFFERENT than the version on this Wattpad. I wanted a more mature version with more danger because I needed Alex to be an actual psychopath. So in the book he's crazier and more mature.

EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA SIDE NOTE-  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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