The Stranger

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You followed the words of The Stranger,

You danced to this strange man's tune,

You followed his dark in the sunlight,

You danced with him under the moon.

You did as he willed in a Cape of Night,

And holding a torch of blue flame,

You saw his face in your anger,

and never will you be the same.

The Stranger tapped on your dancing bones,

And playing his ghostly song,

The Stranger picked up your nightmares, 

And swept them all along.

He laid you a platter of golden food,

And gorged you on heavenly fruit,

He dressed you in robes of softest cloth,

And silk weaved into a suit.

You walked with him over fields,

And sat with him in the grass,

You rested and watched the sun-rise,

And watched the cattle walk past.

You follow the words of The Stranger,

You listen to his every breath,

You help him create you a new life,

For The Stranger, my child, is Death.

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