Take it from Me

23 3 0

It's all very good to say "Hold your head high,"

But have you actually stood there and tried?

It's really not as easy as you make it out to be,

And you always hear the same things, take it from me.

When you're right there in the moment, the last thing on your mind

Is walk away, you simply can't, you feel too confined,

You tell me that I'm not alone, I know that, I do,

I'm tired of hearing the same thing, because you don't have a clue,

You think I'm angry at them, but please, think outside the box,

I'm just waiting for the countdown, tick tock go the clocks,

Until the day ends, I think it's over, but, oh! How wrong can you be?

The pain. It never leaves you, and you can take it from me.

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