Sucking in a breath of air, I clasped my hands together and put on my "polite" face, even though I didn't like it when people showed up uninvited. And these people were uninvited, whoever they were, making me automatically want to dislike them.

My mother started speaking, "Roxanna, this is Mr. Bryan. Now, before you freak out—like I know you will—he was here 30 minutes ago and we've already discussed what you're about to figure out." She said, nodding at the older man on the couch.

He politely smiled back at her and turned to face me.

"Please have a seat, Miss Li." Okay, now I really don't like him.

If the guy hadn't irritated me already, I was plenty irritated now. Someone tell me, who tells—no, demands—someone to sit down in their own house, huh? For sure, it's not this man.

What irritated me even more, was that I really wanted to hate the man, but there was something that was holding me back from hating him so much. You know, the kind of hate that you secretly have for your boss at work but you can't be rude to them because they pay you and you might get fired, and everything you say to them or about them never has just one meaning.

Damn. I didn't even speak a word to the guy yet and I still don't know how I feel about him.

I'm pretty sure the man could tell just how pissed I was, or was trying to be, just from the way I was standing--either that or I was likely burning holes into his face with my eyes, which were probably red from lack of sleep—because he put his hands up in an "I surrender" position.

And after finally acknowledging the fact that I'd still be standing right where I was out of spite, he began to speak.

"Miss Li, what have you graduated college with? GPA wise, to be precise."

Getting down and dirty, I see.

"A 4.0 in nursing, Mr. B." I crossed my arms. Come on girl. Look tough.

He frowned at the nickname, but didn't say anything.

"Hm, then you sound more than qualified for the job I would like to offer. We'd better get started right away." What?

"Do you know who I am?" He inquired. I looked over at my friends, and I caught a look from Lucy. It looked like she wanted to say something but kept her mouth clamped shut. Her eyes were sure. We'll have a talk about that later.

"Quite frankly sir, I do not know who you are," I looked at Lucy again and squinted at her. She visibly gulped, and I looked back at the man.

"but...even if you're Beyoncé it still wouldn't change a thing. I don't want your job sir."

That earned a proud smirk from Chris, and a glare from my mom.

"I meant to ask you Miss, but do you happen to know why you have the paparazzi at your house?" Totally ignoring my response. He glanced down at his watch, unnerved, for a second before gesturing to the younger male who I assumed was his apprentice.

Hell no. No freaking way was he insinuating that these people were at my house--seriously, can't I emphasize this enough--for little old me. These sons of bitches must've been the ones who brought them here, because no way in hell would the paparazzi follow me anywhere because I'm even more annoying than they are. Okay but Chris totally tops it off not gonna lie.

It doesn't matter that they were calling my name so that I could ask questions, because as far as I know the neighbors blurt everything out. They have absolutely no restraint. Meaning that it had to be the dudes with the body guards. Because seriously, why not? I mean, it fits.

Damn it! Beyoncé might not've been that far off.

"I've already hired you. Your mother has my card." Walked to one of the windows towards the front of the house and flicked open the blinds for a second before cringing and walking away.

I took that as a, "the-front-yard-looks like-a-raccoons-playhouse," look on his face. But that wasn't what I was thinking about. No, I was thinking about why the fudge I'm suddenly hired for a job, one that I don't even know about, and also why the hell I'm being expected to suddenly start working with him on such short notice. Willingly, at that. I mean, I already have a job.

I mean, don't get me wrong, but a big part of me is really just concerned whether or not the pay was better because seriously, who wouldn't? I'm an independent person so that kind of injured my pride.

"You what?" I exclaimed.

"No, you must be mistaken. You can't--"

"There is no mistake, Miss Li. Now," He cut me off and paused to pull out a sheet of paper that appeared to be a contract. It didn't even seem rude. I needed it to be rude.

"I need you to work for me." He repeated, then winked. My eye twitched.

"Sir, I don't think that's wise. I already have a full-time job." And the pay is good enough. Please dude, don't bribe me. Seriously, because I'm broke as hell.

He gave my mother a look.

If I wasn't mistaken, and I wasn't, he appeared to be amused.

"Well, you see," he began, fixing the tie around his neck.

"I think you have this all mixed up, Miss Li," He stood up, dusting himself off.

"You don't exactly have a choice. Your mother has already signed the papers." My jaw dropped.

Then, there were the police sirens.

Shit. Not again.


A/N I hope that chapter was long enough, because it was just a filler. I've been having writer's block for a while so I hope you guys understand! Thanks for the support.

Also like I said before, please send me some ideas or comment any if you have some for future chapters ^^ thanks again

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