Mv: fuck you bitch

I nodded and grabbed the slang hammer and slammed it in his foot making him scream

Me: gag him

King stuffed his mouth with a sock

Me: did that hurt I'm sorry but then again you broke into my house and tried to kill me so I think I'm justified by my actions right brother

Jr: I say you what you think big bro

King: hell yeah I would do the same thing

He started breathing hard I pick it up off his foot and put it back on the cart picking up car batteries cables and click them together having everyone hear the zap sound

Me: who sent you

Mv2: bitch anit no one scared of you

I smirked evilly as I looked at him making him freeze up

Me: do you know who I am

He nodded his head yes

Me: great now you know what I'm about and that everyone fears me right

He nodded

Me: good good now that we got that cleared and out the way if I ask one more time I'm clipping these onto your nuts and watch you shocked for 2 mins now people aren't suppose to shocked for that long or they will do but if your partner right there tell me what I want to know I'll spare your life or you tell me and no one dies how does that sound

Mv2: fuck You

I nodded my head and sighed shaking my head smiling

Me: I love the hard way

I walked up to him and clipped them on him shocking his ass watching him trash around in his seat

Me: you got to do is tell me what I want to know

I went back to the cart and grabbed the pliers and a knife I looked at king and nodded for to unclamp him he did and the dude sat there breathing hard

Me: going to tell me now

He shook his head

I nodded and stood up straight and told the guys to get the chains and chain there ass to the ceiling its going to get bloody

they groaned in pain making my sinister smile come out still holding the pliers and knife I walked up to the one with a sock in his mouth and creased the knife against his skin

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they groaned in pain making my sinister smile come out still holding the pliers and knife I walked up to the one with a sock in his mouth and creased the knife against his skin

Me: who sent you

I took the sock out and he looked at me

Mv: Goon

Me: Goon huh

He nodded I nodded back and walked around to his back with the knife to his body

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