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Papa was furious this meant war Biggs had disrespected my mother and pops was piss and tired of working for Biggs plus half of the inventory. From the last delivery was missing and Bella was halfway to Mexico .no one knows where Bella could be ..I lost contacts  with my sister's after that, all I have now is the memory's of us in that little cigar shop back home. Plus Bella knew biggs wanted his shit back but collage educated Bella I'm sure She's good .she just
Didn't give a fuck about bastard  was known for at lease a couple hundred deaths ,and few missing people.. i could never forgive Bella she is the reason why pops is dead biggs got two of his hit men to do the job .mayhem and fucking Esteban they murder my father .mayhem his life is over when I get home Biggs had my father killed  over  missing money  and the fact that he couldn't fuck  mama .my father was cremated and was quickly put to rest we never got to say goodbye to him he didn't get a proper burial mama flee to the United States the fear of Biggs..  and went into hiding She had gotten in contact with Paulina and she was already established doing good for her self . now married to some NBA player and got mama in the penthouse .

Seems like I'm the only one in this fucking bull shit ass situation . Papa was dead and Bella was missing in action .and for months the only thing i could do was reminisce . god I miss the good old days far back as I can remember . Stuck on the memories of the good ol Days Bella Paulina and I shit.   growing up was fun we were well off papa made sure we had everything big screen TV's .computers, VCR . players ,Walkman, beepers cars  you name it we had it .and mama kept food on the table .plus we had the ,prettiest house on the block and papa cigar shop was a few doors down can't remember having friends papa use to says who needs friends when you have family papa kept us busy between the business and the house but the cigar shop was our play grown .papa would usually kick us out

Bella loved to stayed behind the cash register she was a bookworm while me and Paulina tried to stay occupied most of the time we would jump rope. Roller skate ,dance we would even climb the mango tree in front our house any thing to get some attention from the boys .. Boys Paulina liked to impress them with her cheerleader moves but me I was more conservative and spent most my time u know daydreaming while Paulina would sneak boy to the back of the house for something she called downtime sometimes two or three boys at a time My crush .was mayhem don't know why I never told papa that he raped me i was young thought I was his one and only found out him and Paulina had lots of downtime papa would of killed him on the spot .if he only knew and he wouldn't have had the chance to murder. My father . Years later .but it's far from over he's dead as soon As i touchdown  in Nicaragua but for now my only hope is that .Paulina Drop the charges that's the only way i'll ever see daylight again .plus biggs was still on my trail .But my only focus was that I go on trial February seventh .Paulina's bodyguards are suppose to testify I guess plus there were a few other eyewitnesses .mama never showed up to court she had been carrying feelings over the altercation between Paulina and I she hated the family feud ..but it's OK I was prepared to do some jail time .in the coming months if I'm convicted I Will be facing five to fifteen years on the island For attempted murder .unfortunately I was sentence to five to fifteen years ,the five years went by really slow and Before i knew it i was up for parole .mean while things started to heat up back home. the chief of police

Was on the look out for Paulina s Jones .wanted for the murders of Mano Manny Jones and Sosa  Barilla's .Sosa family was outraged and wanted nothing more than for the real killers to be brought to justice."San Juan was a small town and word on the streets was Paulina did it and she was going to rot in the penitentiary .biggs knew Paulina was in the U.S Living under a alias and by now he was sure he had figured out where his money was Paulina and Mama had been living it up in New York City biggs was Furious. And wanted revenge .Paulina Had been around for a while and knew a couple big dogs from the industry that had her back. But biggs Wasn't impressed he had no problem Ratting her out to Nicaraguan Officials. and According to Nicaraguan authorities, Paulina need look no further than the cell she now occupies in the squalid Tripitaka prison near the capital of Managua, where she has just begun serving a 30-year sentence for killing Mano and Sosa Her arrest and trial have been a major story in Nicaragua, where Paulina is largely seen as a rich, arrogant bitch who tried to get away with murder Later on

mother was also arrested coming to find out she was an accomplice To the murders and was transporting that counterfeit money back and forth from Nicaragua to New York

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