Letter #1 08/27/17

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Dear Chester,

I just read a post on Facebook from Samantha about your memorial service. I have a feeling it wasn't what you wanted. I wish Tal would've done what you had wanted and not narrowed your life to Linkin Park because you did so much more than that. You was more than that.

You said in a song "what am I leaving when I'm done here?" You've left a career that has inspired so many people to keep going. You've inspired a lot of people with what you sang, said, and did. You went through a lot in your life and you made it to have children that are proud that you're their dad.

I was 5 when I first heard of you and Linkin Park. I grew up listening to you guys. When I was 6 I asked for all your CDs for christmas and my birthday, because you voice made me smile and it calmed me. I'm about to be 20 and it still makes me smile. It also calms me down in the midst of a panic attack because I feel as if someone else gets it. Everything I was afraid to admit to myself you said or sang and it kept me going.

I'm ok now, I got the help I needed and I'd like to say that my idol helped me get to the moment in my life where I decided to get help. I bet you didn't feel like an idol at points in your life, but you've always been one to one person or another.

Just remember that nobody is mad at you or anything like that. You're still our idol.

We love you Chester.

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