What's Going On?

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Chapter 8

Plies POV

I was finally asking Aniyah to be my girl when my phone went off and saw it was from my Ex chick Joseline , that trifling female used me for everything that she could get her hands on

Joseline Background

(They just broke up 5 months ago and the day that she left him they had Sex before she snuck out and took his money while he was asleep an left a note saying how she didn't want him

anymore and had a new man. Yea, it doesn't seem that long for breathing room but he had to move on some time and he did by getting on top of another . Once he found Aniyah he just expected it to be a hit and quit but the day after he didn't want her to leave and when she tried he would hit on her . Just like his father had done his mother before he left them all on their own . He felt bad that he had done that and didn't want to be anything like his father so he changed for Aniyah and saw that she could possibly be the one for him . )

Back To the Story . . .

I couldn't understand why she did it at the time but now I just learned to deal with it and move on . . . So I hit ignore and continued to plead with Aniyah and hopefully she would give me an answer , I'd love to hear those 3 letters come from her lips "Yes" . Next thing I know this trick is hitting me up again so I excuse myself from the table and go towards the restroom and answer her . . .


Joseline : boo, I have something important to tell you

Me: Tf' is that and you left me remember so tf' on with that ish and tell me because I'm in the middle of something important

Joseline : Trust me boo it'll be worth the Pause in your plans , I'm 5 Months PREGNANT !! Aren't you happy ?

Me: *Drops phone , this Bitch cannot be serious ; her having my baby nah this can't be bruh

Joseline : *still waiting for a response , Hello , are you there ??????

Me: I'll hit you back later *Hangs up without further interruption

Aniyah's POV

Plies came back looking like he had just seen a ghost or something so I asked him what was wrong and he started to say " Nothing " but then e changed his mind and said that since he wanted to be 💯% truthful with me he decided to tell me what news he had just received and he began to tell me the back story behind this chick and how she was . . .

I genuinely believed him so I said . . . You know what Plies i'll back you up all the way through this whether its your child or not ; I really like you and I appreciate your offer of asking me to be your girl so I will . I see that you've really made a change and at first we may have started off rough but then we made it through , I really want to make this something special and I would love for you to meet my parents and collect all of my stuff from back at home since I'm living with you and I haven't been at home in awhile (Almost a month to be Exact ) and I'm pretty sure that they all miss me and would love to meet the person that I'm involved with .

Plies POV

I was surprised that she was so understanding and willing to give me a chance even though I wasn't sweet starting off but we moved past that hurt and made it into something that we both could depend on . I guess we'll be heading down the road this weekend to collect all of her things and meet the parents and of Course Friends , hopefully they'll be as excepting as she was towards me . . . Then later on we'll figure out what to do about this whole Ex situation , I just don't understand how could she be pregnant when I used all of the necessary precautions and made sure that this wouldn't happen ; I would hate to have her back in my life and to add a child to this would mean that I have to put up with her for the next 18 years of my life . I hate to really be that Guy but maybe we should really get this baby tested because I'm not sure if her child is mines with her known for sleeping around and the fact that she cheated on me also. But I guess that I'll let it all go because Aniyah is officially mines and no one else's , I get to claim that every Noon, Night , and Day . . . Hold her hand , Hug her , Kiss her , and go into places that no one else may reach . I love this Girl for real and I don't know how to handle it maybe its time that I introduce her to my Mom's and maybe fix something's with my dad ( I haven't talked to him since he left my mom and I ) Single mother trying to raise me and my 3 younger siblings on a single income was hard but we made it through and ever since I've made sure that we were all taken care of ; I did what our father was not willing to do and took the place as man of our house hold . I hate what he did to us but maybe it's just time for a change for once and all since I'm doing all of this I might as well .

Aniyah's POV

Since we got back and all of the news was out Plies seemed to be a little uneasy so I decided to treat my baby tonight and do things for him that he's never seen me do before . I'm talking back massages and Baby Oil , Counter Top Sex , 69, Doggy Style , Reverse Cow Girl , and Beckyy ;) . . . Boy hoe my baby loves him some Becky so you know I had to do it in tonight since he was so stressed from the long day that we both have had ; Let's see how this turns out . . . .

So I walk up stairs with a Bowl of Ice and of you've heard one of his songs then you know why I needed it . Baby had me sore so it came in handy and I got to work from then on . . . I put my skills to work as I attempted to take it all in ; putting most of it in my mouth with no problem but then I started to gag a little and had to slow it down a little but I pleased my man to the fullest and was happy to swallow every bit of built up Frustration he had coming for me . . . From then on it was rough sex for the rest of that night and then he decided to trade places and give me mine on a separate note (Bonus) + Extra head , *moans ; I needed this bay put in work with this one . . .

2 hours later

After Round 2 I was worn out but I put up a good fight though . . . Baby knew how to hit all of the right spots Tongue and Penis without missing an inch , that night we both slept good




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