Where did Rosa go?

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(ok i decided to add this part because it was all weird for rosa to disappear into thin air)


The green eyed female muttered a string of profanities when she saw Matthew enter the palace grounds carrying Jenavive in his arms.

''He was supposed to be mine! Mine!''  She screamed and smashed the crystal vase kept near the window. 

''What is that I don't have? Beauty, grace, royalty, everything!'' She growled as she stared at the mirror. Her hair disheveled now after constant pulling in frustration. She was so used to getting what she wanted. Seducing men was never a difficult task for her. In fact, she took pride in it. Seducing multiple royalties, kings and princes to get what she wanted. 

In their youth, Matthew was just a lanky plain boy with acne covering his face. She didn't find him attractive as found the older men.

But soon time passed, Matthew reached a time when his beauty became a talk of the town, but by that time he was about to get married.

Her friends bet her to seduce Matthew like she did to other fair men. She tried consistently but failed. The more distant he became despite being childhood friends, the more she desired him. 

She was never successful, however.

Matthew was love struck, even though he had won Ophelia in a game as a prize 

She was at the Palace of Loringard, spending a night with one of the officials when she overheard the conversation of few men plotting to assassin Matthew's wife.

Nothing delighted her more than to hear that.

Days and years passed Ophelia's death and she finally decided to visit Matthew with hopes to seduce him. She waited seven God forsaken years to seduce Matthew again. She didn't wait for long so that he could forget Ophelia, but she was repulsed by the idea of seducing a prince of a kingdom that was slowly turning into shambles.

What could she have achieved after seducing Matthew and becoming his wife? Nothing. Nothing at all from a nearly poverty-ridden kingdom.

Hearing about the 'new change is coming news' Rosa was enthusiastic. Perhaps change would be good. Maybe the kingdom was improving. Maybe they were gaining their old territories back.

Who knew the change was bringing another wife, she thought bitterly.

Suddenly she heard a knock at the door and came to her senses. Combing her hair she went to the door to get it.

It was Matthew.

''Oh Matty~!'' She exclaimed as she tried to put her arms around him. He never stopped her for that because he never thought of her more than a sister.

But this time, he stopped her.

''Why did you lie about Vive?'' The Prince growled menacingly. ''Why Rosaline?'' 

She gulped and laughed nervously, ''I didn't know.. I just um assumed-''

''You assumed! Your assumption nearly cost my wife's life!''

''Oh Matty, I'm so sorry.'' She feigned sorrow as she played with his shirt before pushing him on the bed, surprising him completely, ''How can I make it up to you?'' She whsipered seductively as she began to straddle over him.

''What the hell!'' Matthew exclaimed as she pushed her away. ''Are you in your senses, Rosaline?''

''Matthew I desire you, I always have!'' She stood up and clung to his arm as Matthew tried to shake her away, but she was persistent.

Her persistence caused Matthew to growl in irritation before slapping the woman in front of her.

''You are such a disgrace to royalty,'' Matthew uttered in disbelief. ''Get out of my sight. Right now! ''

''Matthew please...''

''I said leave this instant or I'll call the guards! Out!''

The female clenched her fists and and cursed before silently exiting the door.

Matthew exhaled in frustration, had enough drama to deal with for a day.

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