Chapter 2

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She assumed the police would catch the prisoner soon, so she decided not  to worry about it. She went to her room which was in the basement to grab her car keys and then drove to the couple blocks to work. It was kinda cold for an October evening, so she didn't walk to work or ride her bike. When she got to the coffee shop she saw Anna outside talking to her friend Drake. She looked really upset. Immediately Isabel got out of her car. She ran over to Anna and asked her what's wrong. Anna said she was having hallucinations of the guy in the clown suit from 4 years ago. Anna's schizophrenia is usually kept under control with meds. Isabel hugged Anna and told her that everything would be okay. Drake hugged Anna and told her that he had to go. Drake and Anna dated for a few months but then they decided that they were better off as just friends. Drake was Anna's only friend, even though he was a bit weird. Anna went inside to brew more coffee while Isabel took customer's orders and made their coffee drinks. Isabel overheard some of the customer's talking about the escaped prisoner. She suddenly got a little freaked out and wondered if the clown from 4 years ago had escaped and Anna really was seeing him. Then she shook her head and decided that she was probably just being parnoid. Then she got a text from Marissa that said call immediately. Isabel told her co-worker Sarah to take orders for her and ran outside to the back of the coffee shop and she called Marissa.

"Marissa? Everything okay?'

"Isabel, make sure you go inside and lock the doors and turn on the t.v."

"Okay...Are you, your husband, and kids okay?'

"Yes, just do what I said. Also you may want to distract Anna so she doesn't get too scared and when you can please drive her home.


"Bye, please stay as calm as possible."

Just when Isabel was about to walk back into the coffee shop she saw a clown with three balloons running through the corn field by the coffee shop. She was so scared that she screamed and ran inside the coffee shop and locked the door. She quickly told the customers that they were closing early and told Sarah that she can go home. Sarah left the coffee shop without saying much. One of the customers asked Isabel if this had anything to do with the escaped prisoner and she quietly said yes. When all the customers were gone Isabel turned on the news and was horrified when she saw that the same creepy clown from four years ago was the prisoner who escaped. Isabel told Anna that they needed to go home and without many questions Anna cleaned the coffee shop and then turned off the lights and locked the doors and Isabel told Anna that she would drive her home. Anna rarely drove her car. Anna rode her bike to work so Anna got into Isabel's car and Isabel drove her home. It was really cloudy and dark and rainy.

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