The Pier

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David looked at the text for the hundreth time that day, tapping his fingers nervously on the back of his phone. He knew he was going, but not knowing who it was made him nervous.

He tried to send a text asking who it was, but the only reply he got was "your good friend." So he left it as a hopeless cause.

By the time the kids were sent to bed, David was shaking with nerves. So much so that he almost didn't notice the worried glance Max sent his way. But he did.

Why was Max worried? Max didn't care about anything! David scratched his head, but left it. There were so many strange things that Max did, so David chalked it up to that.

To be safe, he waited until even Gwen was asleep before grabbing a lantern. He checked to make sure his new knife was still in place, and headed into the woods.

The flickering light of the shitty lantern made for just enough to allow him to navigate to the pier without hurting himself.

No one was there. David looked about and let out a sigh. "Was probably why Max was looking at me like that, he pranked me..." The redhead mumbled, going to the edge of the pier and sitting down.

Then someone cleared their throat.

David scrambled to his feet and whirled around. There stood a man, stiff and straight as an arrow. In the weak light of the lantern, his too white teeth and unblinking eyes were terrifying. A rope was strapped to the man's side, but David didn't see any weapons from where he was standing.

"Heya Davey! It's me, your old friend!" That voice was horribly familiar, and as the figure stepped forwards and the lantern light washed over him, David gasped softly. "Daniel?"

"Yep! That's me alright! How are ya feelin' Davey? Safe? I'd hope so!" For the first time, David noticed how his neck cracked and jerked to the side abruptly. It was a little scary.

Daniel stepped forwards as David stepped back, looking behind himself to see that one more step would send him into the lake. Nervously he gulped and turned back to Daniel. "I should be asking you that! After you drank the koolaid, I-I was very worried!"

Stalling, David could do that right? But Daniel wasn't having it. He stepped closer again. "Awww. Well I feel fantastic now, thank you David." When he said David's name, he took a large step forwards. Startled by the movement, David stepped back again. Only to feel air under his foot.

With a shout, he fell backwards. A cold hand grabbed his, pulling him up and into a jarringly warm hug. "Hey hey, calm down David! You could have gotten really hurt just then!"

Hearing the concern in Daniel's voice, David relaxed, taking deep shuddering breaths. "R-right, gosh I'm sorry!" He tried to step away, but Daniel held him in place. "Let's back up first yea?" David remembered where he was and nodded sheepishly. Both stepped back enough for David to step away, allowing Daniel to lead him off the pier entirely.

"So Daniel!" David began, shoving his remaning suspicion away. "What brings you back here?"

"Well..." Daniel looked away. "I wanted to apologize for the musical battle, I said some pretty cruel things that I didn't mean."

Before he could continue, David pulled him in for a hug. "Awww! Daniel it's ok, I was the one who distracted you and made you accidentally drink that koolaid! I'm sorry too, so we're even!"

He pulled back and flashed a blinding smile at Daniel, who smiled back. "And, I was wondering if I could make it up to you." Daniel continued, his smile turning into a sly look.

David tilted his head. "What do you mean?" "I mean," Daniel's neck cracked, "that I'd like to take you on a date. To apologize for my behavior. But I didn't want to ask you in front of everyone, you understand."

A blush formed on David's cheeks, and he nodded. "I totally understand. And I'd l-love to go on a date with you!" The words came out just a tad too fast, and Daniel chuckled. "Wonderful, think you can manage tomorrow, for lunch?"

David thought about it, he could just get Gwen to watch all the kids, it'd only be an hour or two right? "Of course!" Daniel's smile widened impossibly, but David didn't notice.

"Perfect, I'll be there to pick you up then, see you around Davey~!" David blushed more, and took that as his cue to go. "Bye Daniel, have a swell night!" As David left, a spring in his step, he didn't notice the twitch in Daniel's eye, or the way his neck twisted too far to the side, or the evil, wobbly grin that had stretched his cheeks.

No, David whistled happily, not even worried about the fact that he had forgotten his lantern. To him, everything was absolutely fine.

But of course, nothing was fine.

It never was with this place.

(Remember, if you'd like to beta read for this fic then hit me up! ;D)

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