Why The Steel Cord?

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The sun rose over a sleepy camp, barely breaking over the horizon before a loud thud could be heard from one of the counselor's cabins.

The source of the noise turned out to be a pair of brown boots belonging to a certain man. He had red hair, sea green eyes and a smattering of freckles across his cheeks.

This man's name was David. 

David loved his job. Working with kids and showing them the joys of summer camp was his passion. Recently, they had hired a new counselor, which had ended in disaster.

Honestly, he couldn't help but blame himself. If he hadn't challenged Daniel to a musical battle, the poor guy wouldn't have taken a swig of the bad koolaid.

Oh well! David had other things to focus on, such as his beloved campers. With a cheerful grin he jogged to Gwen's cabin and slammed the door open. "GOOD MORNING GWEN!" He shouted, startling the other counselor awake. "Uuuugh..." Gwen groaned, sitting up and glaring at David tiredly. "Morning David."

Flashing a blinding smile, David turned and headed off to wake the other campers. It was saturday, and David wanted to give the kids a free day, but there were still strict waking and sleeping times. Had to keep some semblance of order after all!

Once all the sleepy campers were up, and Max had stumbled off to get coffee, David grabbed his keys and wallet. "I'm going into town for some supplies!" Gwen gave him a half-hearted thumbs up in return.

A twinge of guilt struck David as he hopped into his jeep. While what he said hadn't exactly been a lie- they definetly needed some camp supplies replaced- it wasn't the whole truth either.

He was going to pick up some stuff of his own.

The rickety old car stopped outside the camping store and David got out, humming a happy little tune as he grabbed some new rope, a few lanterns, and an extra tent just in case.

Green eyes flicked to the back section of the store and a grin passed over David's face. Wandering over, he grabbed a large hunting knife, axe, and steel cord. His old axe had broken at the handel, old thing just wasn't what it used to be.

And a knife was always a good precaution in the woods, and you never knew when you'd need steel cord! At least, that's what he told Gwen when she asked him about it later that day.

"Alright man, whatever you say. I'll take this shit to the back and you can take your... stuff." The counselor relented, taking the extra supplies off of David's hands.

"Why thank you Gwen! I'll go check on the kids real quick, then I'll put this stuff in my cabin!" Chirped David in reply. Again, Gwen gave him the best thumbs up she could through all the stuff in her arms.

Spinning on his heel, David happily marched over to where all the campers were hanging out in their respective sections. He stopped by each, making sure the campers were all well situated. Aside from a few weary glances, nobody asked about his supplies.

Finally David arrived to where Nikki, Niel, and Max were hanging out, lounging on the grass and enjoying their free day to the fullest. "Hello you three, how are you all doing this swell day?" Max sat up and took off his sunglasses, glaring at a smiling David. "Well I was enjoying my saturday until you came and talked to me."

David didn't let the mean comment get to him, instead responding enthusiastically. "Good to hear you all are relaxing! If you need anything, remember to ask me or Gwen!" As he turned to leave, Nikki piped up.

"What's with the knife and axe and stuff?" She asked, jittering like a phone set to silent. David chuckled to hide his sudden apprehension, but gave the same excuses.

"Nikki that's an excellent question! You see, my old axe broke, and it's always good to have a survival knife incase you get lost in the woods! And the steel cord... you never know when you need steel cords!" Judging by the way Nikki flopped back, Neil ignored him, and Max rolled his eyes, they bought it.

David let out a small sigh of relief, and hastily made his way to his cabin. After stashing all the items, he looked at knife hesitantly, then made his choice and stuck the blade into it's sheath, clipping it onto his belt. Hey, you never know eh?

Meanwhile, someone else was getting busy in the camp store. Rope, knives, crossbow, and a gun. The clerk looked up at the customer incredulously. "Woah man, what kinda game you hunting?" He asked, trying for a weak smile as he stared nervously at the coils and coils of rope.

The customer flashed a charming smile.


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