Upon entering the village, she was surprised to see that a crowd had gathered near Manti's hut, and they were shouting obscenities. Who they were shouting at, she had to find out. So she ran over to the scene and saw three men locked away in bamboo cages. They were screaming out their innocence, or at least something like that. Manti, Kame, and Hilo sat off to the side, and a group of people, whom Julie thought looked like a jury, set off to the other side.

"This trial is a sham!" One of the defendants shouted.

"Free them!" a tribesman shouted.

"Order! Order!" Manti said. "These men may have confessed, but until they are found guilty, they are still considered to be innocent!"

A trial? But why? To find out, Julie went up to Unaki and tapped her shoulder. "What's going on?" she asked.

"Those are the men who snuck out of the village to confront the haoles," said Unaki. "They have been charged with defying the chief."

"Oh, for cryin' out loud," said Julie. "What the hell is Manti thinking?"

"He wants to end the hysteria?" Unaki asked.

"Like hell!" Julie replied. "This isn't going end hysteria! It's already getting worse!"

Not wanting this farce to continue, she pushed her way forward to confront Manti, Kame, and Hilo. "MANTI!" she cried as she emerged from the crowd. "What the hell!?"

"Julie!" Manti said. "There you are! I was wondering when you would—"

"Cut the pig-shit, Manti!" Julie interrupted, earning the gasps of the tribe. "What the FUCK is going on?" Because the Teo language does not have the f-word, Julie dropped that bomb in English.

Knowing that Julie came from a different society where the questioning of leaders was not only accepted but expected, Manti held his hand out to his people. "I might as well let her speak her mind," said Manti. "And I will allow the rest of you to do the same."

"Thanks," she said. "You're putting them on trial for sneaking out and not doing anything? What's the fucking point!?"

"According to our laws, they cannot be punished unless found guilty," said Manti. "Now, please, sit down and watch.

Julie huffed and puffed and sat herself down while Manti got the proceedings underway.


Kainak, meanwhile, went off towards the stone structure. And if things weren't already confusing, monkeys were also going off in that direction. Not every single monkey or ape on the island, but the number of monkeys going off in the same direction could only be a good thing. He knew where he was going, but nothing was wrong with being sure.

Soon, he arrived at the location of the stone structure. Hanging from the vines in a way one would expect a real-life Tarzan would, he watched as the monkeys he followed scurried towards the structure. Now, why would the monkeys be going there? There were so many questions that needed answering. The best option was to go inside.

Fingering the handle of his knife, he jumped to the ground and walked into the clearing. There were no monkeys around. He was in the clear. At the moment, of course. He didn't want to jinx himself before he reached the structure, which he kept moving towards, crouched down like he was hunting something.

A rhesus monkey scampered up next to and then in front of him. Being a decent human being, he stopped in front of it. He chattered to it in hopes that it would leave. But it didn't.

Soon, more monkeys began to surround him. "Shit," he said to himself as a crowd of monkeys had him trapped. They bared their teeth and chattered angrily at him. Any move he tried to make, they shifted to keep him in the middle of a circle.

Julie and the Monkey WitchWhere stories live. Discover now