"I'm not mad at you," Gina said as she accepted Julie's hug. "I'm just stunned. Prof. Ishida was a good man."

"... But I barely knew him," Kainak said, echoing the audience's possible reaction.

"Trust me on this," said Gina.

"Any idea on what might've happened?" Julie asked.

"No," said Gina. "And unfortunately, we don't have a forensics lab here, so they'll have to fly back to Am-Sam—probably tonight—and we won't find out who did it for at least a week, and since everyone was accounted for, I'm sure it wasn't one of us. I mean, it's not like some bloke can walk in and kill one of us, we had a bonfire going, the whole place is illuminated, and—UUUUGGGGGGGHHHHH! Did I ever tell you about the time I passed out on half a bottle of Jack Daniels? Because I could really use some right now."

"And I thought I was stressed in college," Julie said.

"No wonder you wanted to live with me," said Kainak. "And I don't blame you."

"Who do you think could've done it?" Julie asked.

"I don't know," Gina said while wiping her forehead. "I just said no one can just walk in here."

"And no one has a motive?"

"Not as far as I know!" Gina whined. "EVERYONE has an alibi, and NO ONE has a motive! For god's sake, who killed him, a fucking MONKEY!? Oh god, I need an aspirin!"

"Is there anything we can do?" Kainak asked. "I think I heard some Teo tribesmen talking about you."

"Let's not get accusatory," said Julie.

"I agree," said Gina. "We may have angered them, but I don't think they're going to kill a zoologist over that girl. It's counter-productive."

"Very," said Julie. "We'll have to tell them."

"I thought you already did," said Gina.

"Oh yeah," said Julie. "I guess it can help ease their suspicion?"

"Maybe it'll help," said Kainak. "I can't guarantee it."

"Just my luck," said Gina. "Where the fuck is the Jack Daniels when you need it?" She sank to the ground, holding her head in her hands and moaning. "By the way, I forgot to mention—Juan said that Prof. Ishida suspects that monkeys killed Hani."

"Monkeys?" Julie asked.

"You gotta be kidding me," said Kainak.

"I wish," said Gina. "They didn't touch the computers, too. Either they're stupid or technologically impaired, in the words of Weird Al."

"So, what do you think happened?" Julie asked.

"I'm tempted to think that some evil monkeys like the one on Family Guy conspired to kill him to keep him silent," said Gina. "Well, with all the crazy things happening on this island, I shouldn't be too surprised."

"At least you're open-minded," Kainak laughed.

"I never thought I'd ever say that in my life," Gina moaned again. "FUCK this island!"

Well, Gina is entitled to her opinion, even if Julie and Kainak whole-heartedly disagree. "By the way, Julie, we have a present waiting for you at your treehouse."

"What is it?" she asked.

"It's a surprise."


"So, the haloe do not suspect any of us?" Manti asked once Julie and Kainak returned to the village. "That is a relief. If only SOME of you could feel the same!" He looked and glared at some of the grumblers. They turned away.

Julie and the Monkey WitchWhere stories live. Discover now