Capítulo 1 sem título

Start from the beginning

"Uh... Snipes, you ok? Your face looks like a fuckin' tomato." scout questioned.

"...Sure, mate. I'm fine." sniper recomposed himself and looked around, searching for his boyfriend, but the assassin had already vanished like smoke.

Both teams ran out to the battlefield, heading to the control point in the center of the map, while the engineers placed their sentry nests at their respective teams' control points. It was, despite of the exceptionally cold weather, an ordinary day, with bullets, explosives and fire everywhere. And so the battle continued, blood splattering all over the ground and painting the snow crimson red.

While everybody was in the frontlines, spilling blood and sacrificing themselves so that their team would be able to advance, the BLU spy was armed with His Eternal Reward, infiltrating through the enemy base, sneaking so that no one would could see him. As he wore a Dead Ringer, he couldn't turn invisible, so, with extra carefulness, he waited for the chance of getting a disguise.

However, on his way to RED's headquarters, the Frenchman found the enemy medic by himself. From the man's appearance and location, it seemed that he had gotten separated from the rest of his team after being chased down by a pyro. The doctor soon noticed the Frenchman's presence and turned his attention to him.

"Spy! I vill kill you zhis time!"

"Oh? I didn't think we would meet so soon, mon ami. I still haven't wiped the blood of my knife from the last time I killed you." the backstabber mocked.

Furious, medic abruptly rushed forward in an enraged, screaming display and pierced through the provoker with his ubersaw, taking him by surprise. Quickly, the BLU activated his Dead Ringer and moved away, while hearing his attacker boast about his skill and laugh at his fake dead body.

Seeing his victim distracted, he took the opportunity and backstabbed him right at the bottom of the stairs in front of the RED control point. The light bulbs shining brightly at the ceiling were the only witnesses of the incident. As soon as he did this, spy heard a voice he knew very well. With an indifferent tone, it declared: "The respawn has stopped working. Try to keep yourselves alive, or else you won't come back."

Upon hearing so, the mercenary got paralyzed. He had killed the RED medic and knew he was gone forever. The French looked at his own hands and trembled: he was a murderer. Of course, he had already killed many people before, but this time it was... different. It felt wrong. The spy knew his victim too well to look at the situation impersonally, and, above all, he also knew how much the RED heavy loved the doctor. For the first time, he felt guilty for taking someone's life, for the suffering his actions would cause.

Then, suddenly, the RED heavy came running nervously through the base's door, scanning his surroundings and passing by the crates and barrels scattered around the place. Apparently, he was looking for someone. The only thing the spy could suspect was that the Russian had come to save his lover, alerted by his screams. The French pitied the man, as he knew better than anyone how painful it would be to lose the one you love. Then, turning to the fake German, the RED said:

"Doktor, I heard you scream, you are good?" he was panting and had a concerned look on his face.

"Oh, Heavy, zhere jou are, I am glad I found you, I was worried about zhis announcement too, but now zhat I am with jou, we are safe." Spy replied, hiding the remorse he felt. "I ran into spy, but now that dummkopf is finally dead, look!" He pointed at his own corpse, imitating medic's psychopathic grin perfectly.

"So you screamed because of this, heavy is happy doktor is ok now." answered the heavy in a relieved, unsuspecting manner.

In the meantime, everyone from the BLU base was searching for their teammates, frightened by the announcement that the Administrator had made. Finally, the whole group managed to meet at the spawn and gathered at the dimly lit meeting room, but when soldier was finally able to count the members and said that no one was missing, sniper contested:

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