Help me breathe...

Start from the beginning

By the time the conversation was over, Scott didn't know where they stood or how they would manage. He didn't even protest when Mitch asked for his car keys, silently slipping into the passenger seat and burying his face in his hands. "Everything is ruined." He whispered helplessly, "We're never gonna get anything done."

"We'll figure something out, Scott." Mitch said calmly, "We always figure something out."

Scott scoffed, "We barely managed to squeeze this shoot in, what makes you think we- fuck." He slammed his hand against the dashboard in frustration, "God damn it, this is the last thing I-"

"Honey," Mitch's voice, like always, was like a balm to his soul. "Please don't hurt yourself."

"How the fuck are you so calm?!" Scott snapped, turning to glare at Mitch, "Don't you realize how messed up this is?"

Mitch glanced at him sharply, one eyebrow arched in a silent reprimand, "One of us has to be." He replied curtly, "And I get it's messed up but being angry isn't going to help." Mitch softened his tone, his voice soothing and gentle, "Scotty, why don't you close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Just calm down, it's ok. We'll figure this out."

Scott almost protested but one look at Mitch's face stopped him. With a sigh, he reluctantly closed his eyes and sank into his seat, trying to ignore the panicked thoughts racing through his mind.

He was failing and by the time Mitch nudged him out of the car, his mind was a mess and his body was exhausted. Scott didn't say anything as they walked into their home and headed straight for their room.

He was in no mood to talk, not with his temper so volatile and mind so disordered. He might snap and let it all out on Mitch and that was the last thing Scott wanted. Their relationship was still fresh and new. It had taken a lot of convincing, slow seduction, and begging for Mitch to give in.

He didn't want Mitch to regret it. So he had to be good. He had to behave and be rational.

He had to.

So as much as he wanted to rage and scream, he kept it all in as he changed his clothes and slipped into their bed. Hopefully, Mitch wouldn't ask him to join for dinner. He wasn't in the mood.


Scott blinked his eyes open, frowning at the ceiling. Yeah, sleep didn't help at all. He still felt drained and lost, spending the entire night tossing and turning. He was almost grateful that Mitch chose to sleep in Scott's former room instead of joining him.

His lover knew him so well.

With a sigh, he turned around only to freeze when he saw something on the bedside table. There was a candle burning, spreading the soothing scent of jasmine throughout the room. Just by the candle, there were three roses with cards attached to each one of them.

He reached the red one, curious but slightly annoyed as well. He really wasn't in the mood for romance and they didn't have the time. He needed to make calls, decide-

'Pick red if you're willing to give in and let go. To surrender completely to my care and forget everything else. Pick red if you trust me and won't hesitate to follow my direction.' Scott stilled, his breath catching in his throat. He turned the card around and saw another message, 'It's ok. We have time. I've handled it.'

Swallowing nervously, he picked up the pink rose and opened the card attached to it, 'Pick pink if you want to discuss more, if you're not completely certain but you're not completely against it. Pick pink if you trust me and know I'll listen to your concerns.'

"Oh god." He whispered, covering his mouth with a trembling hand. He reached for the final card and opened it. 'Pick white if you want me to give you some space or you just want to cuddle. Pick white if you trust me and know I only act in your best interest.'

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