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Hi guys!

It's my first attempt at writing a book so be sure to comment if you think there are parts that need improvement! VOTE AND BECOME A FAN IF YOU LIKE IT OF COURSE! You know you want to ;)

I promise that this is very different from other typical teen romances so be sure to read on! :D

I sighed as my eyes scanned the cafeteria for those brown locks with tinges of honey that I have grown so used to.

Not her.

Not her.

Not her.


I know it sounds corny for a guy to say this, but my stomach was seriously full of butterflies when she glanced at my direction and flashed a smile. And the butterflies turned into rampaging rhinoceroses when she edged her way towards my table.

That devastatingly adorable smile was still on her face when she plonked her bag down on the table and sat on a chair opposite of me. 

"Hi Chris," she breathed and averted her eyes down on the table.

"Oh hey, Steph."

It was as if I didn't even exist.

After five agonising seconds, she finally turned her head to look at me, "Oh you're here too Connor, I didn't see you right there."

See what I mean?

Yes you didn't. I mumbled into my sandwich.

There was the most adorable, most beautiful, most talented, most hilarious and most of all most perfect girl I have ever met sitting right in front on me.

There was only one tiny little problem.

She was in love with my best friend.

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