Ron's Revenge

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"Lavendar! There you are. I wanted to asked you something." Ron said. Lavendar gave him a puzzled look.

"Yeah? Go ahead." Lavendar replied. Ron took a deep breath, quickly reviewing his plan.

"Will you go out with me?" Ron asked, looking over Lavendar's shoulder at Hermione, who was watching him with a slight frown, as though she was studying a complex work of art. Lavendar shrieked with happiness and wrapped her arms around Ron's neck as Ron smiled.

"Oh Won-Won, I would love to!" Lavendar cried. She pressed her lips onto Ron's. Hermione burst into tears and ran into the corner of the room. Ron knew the feelings for him weren't gone, and this hurt her beyond repair. Ron smiled into Lavendar's plump lips. Oh, she was gonna pay.


"Um, Blaise? I have something to... uh... tell you." Draco said hesitantly. Blaise joined Draco on Draco's bed.

"Yessssssssss?" Blaise answered, drawing out the s very long. Draco coughed.

"Well, uh, funny story, I maybe, just a little bit, or a lot a bit, like Gra- I mean, a girl." Draco avoided Blaise's gaze. Blaise shrieked like a little girl.

"Draco likes a girl, Draco likes a girl! Who is it?" Blaise chanted. Draco's cheeks turned a crimson red, and he looked at his shoes shyly.

"Mmm." Draco mumbled. Blaise smacked Draco's arm and begged him to say it. "Fine. It's Granger." Blaise gasped.

"The Mudblood? WTF?" Blaise panicked. Draco scowled and glared at Blaise.

"Don't call her that!" Draco yelled. Blaise rolled his chocolate brown eyes.

"Before the cabins you would call her that in a heartbeat. Even if you had no reason." Blaise snorted. Draco gave him a thoughtful look and said the same thing he had said to Ron in his cabin a while ago.

"I guess I have had a change of heart."


"Hermione?" Harry called, looking at a crumpled figure in the corner of the common room with bushy hair. "Hermione, are you okay?" Hermione just kept sobbing.

"If you wanna know, look over there." Hermione turned around to tell him this, point the way, and turned back around, tears flooding her red, puffy face. Harry sighed and looked in the corner, his mouth opening wider than possible at the sight.

Ron and Lavendar were passionately snogging.


Hey guys! I try to update a lot, and a couple times daily, so... yeah. I have recently been hit with writer's block, like all writers, so bear with me if my chapters are short or lame. Give me advice and suggestions. Vote and comment!


A Change of Heart (A Dramione vs Romione Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now