Memory Gone

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"Boys! What is wrong with Miss Granger!" Professor McGonagoll panicked, gaping at Hermione's crumpled figure on the ground.

"It was him!" Both Draco and Ron yelled, pointing at the other. Professor Flitwick ran into the corridor and shrieked at Hermione. He levitated her, and sped away, up the stairs to the hospital wing.

"Explain, Weasley. Now." Professor McGonagoll ordered. Draco glared at Ron.

"It all started at the cabins. Hermione saw me kissing Lavendar (which was an accident) while we were dating, so she got angry and ran to Malfoy. I couldn't stand my girlfriend running into the arms of this little git here, so I... er... got revenge, but it backfired on me. Then, here in this secluded corridor, me and Malfoy were dueling, and she... uh... accidentally got hit with a memory charm." Ron explained.

Draco opened his mouth, despite being shushed by the Professor. "No! You hit her with the memory charm that you were aiming for me." McGonagoll gasped.

"That is what Dumbledore was talking about. Ron against Draco." The boys gave her a puzzled look. "She is torn between you guys. She doesn't know who to pick. But it won't matter now that Weasley went and took her memory." McGonagoll muttered the last part. With a glance at each other, Ron and Draco raced up the steps to the hospital wing.

"You are six!" Madam Pomfrey yelled as Draco entered the wing first. Ron swore loudly and backed into the hallway. What had he done?

Draco sat in the chair nearest Hermione's bed. Harry, Ginny, Hagrid, Lavendar, and Parvati gave him a puzzled look. Harry voiced their thoughts.

"Why are you here, Malfoy? This is Hermione's bed." Draco glared at him.

"Why don't you ask the Weasel? It is all his fault." Harry and Ginny exchanged looks and walked into the hallway. After a few minutes of painful silence, they returned, their mouths open wide.

"I cant believe..." Ginny trailed off. Harry remained silent. It must have dawned on the rest of them, because looks on their faces clearly said they understood. Parvati and Lavendar let out a shriek as Harry pushed Draco against the wall.

"Look, Malfoy. Hermione has to pick. Ron, or you git. If she picks you, *beep out language*, then you be good to her. She is practically my sister, so I will kill you if you hurt her." Harry growled. Draco ran his hand through his hair, at a loss for words.

"Don't worry, Potter. I know how to take care of a woman. I wouldn't say the same about you, though." Draco glanced at Ginny. "I wont hurt her."

Draco added, in an inaudible mutter, "I love her."


"Wha-?" Hermione said softly, her eyes gazing at the handsome, gray eyed man in front of him. His blond hair made a jolt in her stomach, but she didn't know why.

"Are you okay, Hermione?" Draco asked, concerned. Hermione looked around, as if trying to find who Draco was calling Hermione. "You." He said with a chuckle. Hermione sat up.

"Who are you? Where am I? Who is that?" Hermione questioned as Harry and Ginny walked in.

"Okay, Hermione. This will be a bit hard to understand, but here goes. You are a witch." Hermione began to protest, but Draco shushed her. "You have magical powers. I am Draco Malfoy. I- let's get to me later. You are in the hospital wing at Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This is Harry, he is your best friend. This is Ginny, your best girlfriend. Your other best friend-" Draco started, but stopped himself.

"Draco. Draco. Draco." Hermione repeated. "Nothing." Draco felt as if a weight dropped down his throat and into his stomach. "Let's see. Harry. Ginny. Hmmm." Harry gave a whisper.

"Ron." Hermione perked up at the name.

"Ron. That sounds familiar. Is he my boyfriend?" Hermione asked. Draco felt like running away.

"Not... exactly." Harry answered. Silence fell. Madam Pomfrey suddenly burst into the wing.

"She needs her rest. Out!"


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