Suddenly, she felt hotter than ever before. Someone came up behind her and pressed his body into her back. She purred and leaned into the body, like a cat. Hands came up on her shoulders and stroke her arms. Two white wedding-rings glistened in fire.

"Hermione…," her husband whispered in her ear. His hand came up to her throat and he kissed her ear and chin.

It was like they had become one. He ripped off her clothes and threw them into the fire. She didn't care. All she cared about was having him in every way possible. Never had she felt pleasure like this before!

Hermione received four orgasms before Voldemort finally climaxed as well. She was sobbing softly over the intensity of the feelings. He fell down on top of her and they were both welcomed into sleep's soothing arms.


She woke up when she felt something move against her hair. It tickled. Without opening her eyes, she moved her hand to brush the thing away. Her hand came in contract with something soft and… alive. She opened her eyes and saw a big black spider sitting on her shoulder. She screamed and jumped up. The spider fell off her and ran away. Hermione shuddered. Spiders weren't as horrible as serpents, however, she didn't enjoy touching them!

It took her a moment to remember where she was and why she was so cold. The coldness was easiest, she was naked and it was still very early in the morning. Cursing she covered her chest with her arms and sat down. Voldemort was still lying on the ground with an arm over his head.

Slowly the memories came back to her. How she and Voldemort had come to the village, talked and eaten and… then… She blushed and groaned. They had had sex in front of everyone! Sweet Merlin, what made them act so… so…

She suddenly realised something. They were all alone. The native inhabitants had disappeared… and the cottages… and all the small things. The only evidence that it hadn't been a dream was the burnt out firewood next to them, and the ache between her legs. She remembered what the chief had said; they celebrated the end of an era. They must have moved to another location!

Unfortunately, it didn't explain hers and Voldemort's behaviour. She turned toward her husband and decided to wake him up. Perhaps he knew what had happened to them.

When she touched him, something weird happened. She saw herself, standing in a long white dress next to an altar. She knew it was her, even if she couldn't see her face. When she got close, the Hermione in the white dress turned around. The front of the dress was covered in blood. The blood came from an open wound in her throat. The eyes were black and she was grinning like a madwoman.

She gasped and removed her hand from her husband. What had that been about? It had almost looked like dream… everything except her had been fuzzy. She looked down at Voldemort. Could it have been his dream? Or had she been drugged last night? That strange taste in the soup…

Her husband woke up with a groan. He pressed his hand against his forehead as he opened his eyes. He looked straight at her for a moment, then his eyes darkened. "You…"

Hermione's eyes widened. "Uhm… what?"

He sat up and gripped her shoulders. "You drugged me!"

Hermione shook her head. "No! How could I have drugged you?"

He frowned and his grip loosened. "That is true. But how… Oh…" He seemed to become aware of his naked state. His trousers where lying next to him and he stood up and pulled them on. Hermione looked around for her clothes, but she couldn't see them. She had a vague memory of him tossing them into the fire. Damn.

"They are gone," he noticed with a grim look.

Hermione nodded and looked around again. Where was her wand? She knew she had put it in her skirt… was it burned as well? Oh, she hoped not. She stood up as well and went over to the fire. She ignored her naked state as she performed Accio. Her wand flew up in her hand from the pile of dust. She exhaled, relieved. For some reason, her wand had made it. The fire had been a magical one. Perhaps that had something to do with their behaviour. She had read about how fire-magic was used in fertility rituals… Oh, Merlin no!

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