Chapter 18

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Albus Dumbledore had spent most of his life in Hogwarts. He had seen gifted and less gifted students pass the school's halls. He had even seen some very gifted students in his days. Tom Riddle and Hermione Granger had been two of them. If they had been at the school at the same time, Dumbledore wouldn't have been surprised if they ended up as either best friends or arch nemesis. They were very much alike in many ways; ambitious, strong-minded, hard-working and incurable know-it-alls. True, Tom had never felt the need to show off his knowledge all the time like Hermione had. Instead, he had only showed off every time he felt that people needed to be reminded about how talented he was.

Perhaps it had been for the best that they weren't in the school at the same time. The teacher would probably not have been able to stand them both at the same time.

Nevertheless, now they were together. Dumbledore had no idea what to think of it. Voldemort may be one of the most unpleasant men alive; however, he may also be one of the few people who managed to deal with a girl like Hermione. A less dominating man would not be a challenge for her. She would drive the poor wizard to total submission and that was never good for a relationship.

However, if the two of them found a way to work together, the world would be at their feet. Dumbledore couldn't allow that. He had tried to kill Voldemort through Hermione twice now, but both times had been unsuccessful. He would have to think of something else.


A lesser female Death Eater came to the hospital under the appearance of being Hermione's cousin. Hermione didn't bother to ask for her real name. She just let the Death Eater Apparate them to the headquarters after the Healers gave her all the things she and the baby would need for the next month. They would go back for a check up after a month, unless they were able to find a private Healer.

Hermione held her son close to her body as the Death Easter lead her to her husband. She was still angry with him, but it was hard to be angry when you had such a lovely little creature next to your chest.

She entered hers and Voldemort's room after the Death Eater bowed and left. It looked just like it had done two days before, only now there was a small crib at the end of their bed. Voldemort was standing next to it. He smiled when she entered. She glared.

"Why the sore face, Hermione?" he asked.

She blinked. "Why have you started to call me by my name?"

He shrugged and started to walk toward her. "I thought it could be acceptable now when we share a child. Let me hold him."

Hermione held her son tightly to her body. "Why?"

"I haven't had a good look at him yet. Let me hold him, or I'll stun you and take the baby. Stunning isn't hurting," he threatened firmly.

Rather than risk dropping the baby, Hermione gave him the boy.

Voldemort smiled as he looked at his son. "He is adorable!"

Hermione arched her eyebrow. "Why do you care?"

Voldemort held the child perfectly. Where had he learned how to do that? "Do you know why Lucius Malfoy isn't wanted, even though he has done hideous crimes?"

Hermione went over to the bed and sank down. The Healers had given her a pepper-up potion, but it was starting to wear off and she was very tired. "Because he did those things in your name instead of his own, and he is rich so he can get away with it?"

"Besides that," Voldemort came over to the bed as well.

"No, then I don't know. Give him back, I have to feed him."

The Contract (Hermoine/Voldemort story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя