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Tyr woke up in a typically human groggy state, she looked at her alarm clock and realized that she woke up 30 minutes earlier than her alarm. She rubs the slumber out of her eyes, and gets up, she stretches before stripping nude, she slips on a deep crimson bathrobe and, showering sandals, she ties her robe tightly, she grabs her shower basket, before shuffling out of her dorm to go down to the showers, so she can freshen up.

On her way down there was already a couple of other early rising college students, who were getting ready for the day ahead of them, Tyr quickly glances into her shower basket to make sure everything was there, her organic shampoo, body wash, her Korean loofah that peels the Satan off of her skin, and the raw organic honey that she smears on her face to control her acne, she shuffles and squeezes her way to the showers, she gets to the showers and chooses the one at the end of the two rows of twenty, which happened to be the cleanest, the largest and the most isolated. Tyr slips in, closing the stall door behind her, she takes off her robe as she hangs her shower basket, then her robe on the metal hooks on the door, she turns the shower to lukewarm and quickly shampoos her hair, rinsing the shampoo out she grabs her jar of raw honey, and smears it on her face until it's all covered, she leaves it on while she begins to peel the Satanic sin off of her skin, Tyr holds her tongue to keep her from crying out due to the pain the Korean loofah was causing, clawing at her skin, scratching the sin off of her skin.

Tyr finished her shower by rinsing the dead skin, dirt and raw honey off her face, she turned off the shower, shaking the water out her hair she slipped her robe back on, unhooked her basket, opened the shower door and leaves, speed walking back to her dorm room, while mentally slapping herself for forgetting to do her skincare routine last night, she began to mentally argue with herself about it, one side saying there was no point being that she was just a teenager while the other side repeated the words of her mother "Time is beauty" meaning taking your time to care for your skin would equal beautiful glowing skin, shaking the thought out of her head, she darted into her dorm room and closed the door quickly. Tyr locked the door, she shed her bathrobe, and got dressed in fresh clean clothes, she shrugged on her bomber jacket, she kneels down and feels around her bed, she pulls out her snack box, Tyr grabs a chocolate granola bar, along with her giant clam shaped backpack, and begins to zip down the stairs, while opening the wrapper on her breakfast, she gets outside the dormitory, towards the bike rack, she was ready to unlock her bike until she hesitated, she slapped herself "Hr. Kraken, Hrafntyr! How do you forget your own best friend?!" She says to herself, she turns back and zips back into the dormitory and up the stairs, she zips back to her dorm, quickly opens the door and quickly grabs Hr. Kraken "I'm sorry I forgot about you, Hr. Kraken" she mumbles and runs out, going down to her bike. Tyr gets to her bike, she puts her backpack in the back basket, and closed the snap buttons of Hr. Kraken's tentacles so the tentacles were wrapped around her neck, under her bust and around her hips, she hops on her bike and began to speed pedal to class, while, as always, being mentally aware that people were staring.

Tyr locked her bike when she hears a voice, "Hey! Aren't you the granddaughter of Asagrim Nordskov?" A female voice asked her, she sighs as she checks the heavy chain and lock to make sure it was secure, before looking that the person questioning, a tall, full-figured, woman, with medium brown skin, thick black hair cut in a pixie cut, straight eyebrows, a tall nose, and dark brown eyes with bags. "Yes I am Asagrim Nordskov's granddaughter" Tyr replies curtly, slinging her realistic clam backpack on her arm like a shopping backpack, "I'm Angelina Arthit. I'm a Psychology major, and I want to use you as a case study for children raised in various living conditions, if that's okay with you", the tall woman said, Tyr looked at her quizzically, "Can you expand on that?" Tyr asked as she walked up the steps, Angelina followed, "Well my professor wants me to do a study about certain stereotypes in media about children who live in different social statuses, like rich children are spoiled, fickle and demanding, or children living in poverty are plucky, sassy and overly optimistic. My professor wants me to see where these stereotypes originated and compare them to actual children of different satutses" Angelina explains, as they walked down the halls of the building, Tyr squeezed one of Hr. Kraken's tentacles "What do I get out of it?" Angelina though about it for a moment "Uh...I'll buy you whatever you like for a month...? Do you like food?" Tyr nods her head "Hawaiian food!" Angelina laughs "Alright then, is it a deal?" Angelina holds out her hand for Tyr to shake, Tyr takes it and gives it a very firm shake, just like how her grandfather taught her, "Can I get your name?" Angelina asked, whipping out a notepad "Hrafntyr Nordskov, H-R-A-F-N-T-Y-R, you can call me Tyr", Angelina grins like an idiot "Nice to meet you Tyr!" Angelina says before running off "I'll see you after classes!" Angelina yells before disappearing into a classroom, Tyr shrugs off the encounter before heading to class.

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