"What would happen if we got married?" he asked, his eyes drawing towards mine.

I grinned and shrugged, sighing. "It'll be prefect," I claimed, looking right in his eyes. "We'll have the life that we've always wanted. We'll be wondering who ever guessed that we would be the ones that would end up together..." My voice trailed off as I faced him with another sigh. "I hope my dad just lives the rest of his life in peace, you know? I've thought that me and you would have a baby – or two. Wherever you want. And my dad would get to be a grandpa. We'll have birthdays and holidays and summer picnics. And he'd get really old. And it'd happen, but it'd be quiet. It'd be okay. He'd be surrounded by people he loves the most."

   Seth smiled and agreed, "That's beautiful, El. I love that."

   "Sounds stupid, huh?" I squeaked out, looking away to take a big swig of my drink.

   I felt him rubbing my back, shaking his head, before he choked out: "No, of course not, baby. It's beautiful."

   "Lillie and Enzo will get married, have their own kids. Cass and Carmella, too. We'll all be friends and our kids will be, too, since they'll be born all around the same time," I continued to say, looking into the future. "Everything will be okay and everybody will be happy."

   "I like that," Seth said, gulping.

   I turned towards him now and looked into his eyes. "We will be okay, though," I assured him.

   "I know," he softly said before we both looked forward again at the night sky. "We'll always be okay, though, El."

   I nodded and wiped away a slow tear coming from my eye. "I know. We always will. I worry 'bout Lillie and Enzo, though..."

   Then, out of nowhere, my phone started to ring and I picked it up without looking at the Caller ID. "Hello?"

   "Hey, El! What you doing?" It appeared to be Lillie...

   "I'm actually out here on the balcony with Seth," I said to her, hearing some noise in the background on her side. "What 'bout you?"

   "I'm with Enzo," she simply said, sighing. I could practically see her smiling. "Now, Ellie, what I'm about to tell you is... It's important. So, you're listening, right?"

   I gulped, not even paying attention to Seth anymore as I've already turned my back on him. I nodded, even though she couldn't see that, and replied: "Of course! What's wrong?" My heart was already being ninety to nothing.

   "Nothing is wrong, Ellie," she tried telling me, laughing it off. "What I'm about to tell you, Ellie, is something beautiful. It's something that should've happened a long time ago. Okay, first things first, remember when Stephanie gave you the job of being Seth's on-screen girlfriend and you told me that you would never fall for Seth Rollins?"

   Embarrassingly enough, I began to giggle as I tried to hold it together. "Yeah, I remember," I rolled my eyes. "Why?"

   "Look to your right, Ellie," she said and I blinked a couple of times before I did as she said to do.

   Slowly, as if it were a movie playing through my own eyes, I looked to my left and had to almost look twice to realize what was happening. To my right was Lillie, Enzo, my dad, Cass and Carmella. They were inside of Seth's parents' house right through the window, looking at me with smiles while Lillie cried.

   Then, I looked forward and seen the ultimate scene right in front of my eyes playing out in slow motion. Seth was down on one-knee with a box in one of his hands with the ring popping out as well. He was smiling, but I was emotionless. Completely numb.

   I blinked frantically, trying my best to gather my surroundings. I placed a hand over my heart and felt it going crazy. It had never been so frantic before in my life. I felt the tears hitting my eyes, demanding to come out for a sneak peek. Most of all, I felt my mother there with me. It was like she was standing directly behind me, placing a light hand on my shoulder and smiling all while tears fell down her cheeks out of happiness. She was there.

   "Ellie," Seth's voice broke as he reached for my hand with his free one. "In the beginning of all this, I promised myself, too, that I wouldn't fall for you, either. I repeatedly told myself not to look at you, especially when you're weren't looking at me. Chances are, you would look back. I've been in love with you for such a long time now. I don't remember quite when I finally admitted to myself, but I remember right when the pieces began to click. It was before the bad and even the good. I seen you with him and that's when jealously rose within me, proving to myself that you were the one for me."

   Again, I held my breath and looked passed Seth. I looked passed him and looked only to the stars. I remembered the first time that I met him, how mad he would easily get about the littlest things. I remembered how rude he was and how he got under my skin so easily. I remembered how I would call him names and how he smirked at me every time that I did.

   I remembered our first kiss, somewhere in a hotel room, and how I pushed him off of me immediately. I remembered how jealous he used to be and every story that he's ever told me about himself. I remembered when he first said that he loved me and when I finally admitted to myself that I loved him, too.

   I remembered the first time that we made love and how angry we were with each other afterwards. I remembered how many times that I cried over him and how close we became after everything was said and done. And, now, I can see perfectly what I have to do...

   "Ellie, baby... Will you marry me?"

• And... That's it! 😭 #RIPBP 💛

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