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Donna lightly smirked, looking away "Don't . . . Spaceman."

Farren held her thumb and index in a 'Loser' sign at him and he stuck his tongue out in retaliation. Though their childish antics was cut short by Donna.

"I don't understand, the door is open, why don't you just run away?"

One of the Ood, upright at the front row, unclipped his translator from his chest and held it in his hand.

"For what reason?"

"You could be free." The concept was easy for Donna- open door equalled freedom and she knew, if she were ever encaged so inhumanely, that the minute the opportunity of liberty arose- she would take it faster than she could blink.

She also knew that the Ood understood that the three posed no threat, what she couldn't wrap her head around was why they didn't jump at the chance of freedom.

The Ood angled his head to the side- perplexed.

"I do not understand the concept."

Farren stared with low dipped brows, it was a heart wrenching sentence to here. The idea that the creature didn't even understand liberty was strange to witness- when so many species sought that very thing. 

"What is it with that Persil ball? I mean, they're not born with it, are they?" Donna pondered aloud "Why do they have to be all . . . plugged in?"

"Ood," The Doctor addressed "-tell me, does the circle mean anything to you."

"The circle must be broken." All the Ood spoke simultaneously, the translators glimmered all at once and Farren stepped back a little unconsciously.

"Oh, that is creepy." Donna breathed.

"But what is it? What is the circle?" The Doctor grew a little frustrated as he pushed further.

"The circle must be broken."

"Why?" Farren grew nervously restless but immediately regretted speaking as all their slow-blinking eyes turned to her in some form of scrutiny.

"Princess, so we can sing."

"How do you know who I am?"

"Tell Ren I love her, I love her and I'm so, so sorry." It recited in a voice she hated to recognise. Farren almost fell, her heart beat furiously, so much so that she feared it would jump out of her skin. She felt sick and tired and so so sad but there wasn't time to feel like that when a blaring alarm sounded.

The Doctor was staring at the teenager curiously- wondering who exactly he'd dragged along with him- but at the alarm, he pushed back his concern. "Oh, that's us. Come on."

He slipped out of the container and all three of them began to sprint.

Farren faster than the two, cut corners and went by undetected- no guards trailed her and she skidded to a stop before whipping her head carefully around. She was alone in a corridor-like path and chose a hiding spot behind a barrel as she tried to process what the Ood had translated, not in his own voice. Her head hurt as she pressed it up against the barrel and heard Donna's scream's of protest. Probably detained- she thought.

A grinding noise pulled her from her train of though and she looked up. The claw was moving viciously- calculated as though it was following something- or someone, a certain spikey-haired Time Lord someone.

"Right," She huffed, fumbling to pull her sleeve up to expose the glimmering screen of her compacted ship. "Scan for electric energy and triangulate the signal- simple enough. Right, breaking through barrier one-" She listened to the patter of sprinting footsteps and lines of code relayed onto the screen to indicate the claw's main source of controls was being infiltrated, successfully too. She grinned and followed the direction it chokingly glided to, already starting to fail. "And barrier three burns! Wow, what a crap system,"

Golden Wanderer (DOCTOR WHO FAN-FIC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz