Part 1 : The Bullying

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After school somewhere in the woods and it raining, Kim mi jung is surrounded by a group of girls cursing at her telling she's worth nothing.Lee sang hee the main girl of the group.

Lee sang hee : " Look at you, your worth nothing just do us all a favor and kill yourself!!" { her group chuckles a little but you can tell that they don't think it's funny} 

kim mi jung : "I'm sorry I'm sorry" { bows down head in a apologetically way}

Lee sang her : "Ha!"  { looks at her for a few secondes }  "crazy bitch" {say under her breath} 

Kim mi jung : [ bows her head ]

lee sang hee : [ pushes her on the ground, then slaps her. Hard.}

lee sang hee :" let's go girls"

The group of girls: { saying under their breath } "look at her" {pointing at mi jung}, " what a crazy bitch" {staring at mi jung like she made out with a horse}  one girl dose this " hey do you understand this" { points the middle finger up} other girls cracking up

* right after the group of girls leave*

{ mi jung cries silently her, uniform is all wet from the rain and her cheek is swelling up cause of the slap she get's up and her leg is limping a little}

* at the bus stop mi jung is waiting  for the bus and the the bus hit's a puddle so the water is all over her*

[ instead of taking the bus mi jung was home where her drunk adoptive mother awaits}

Mom: '' your home" in a drunk voice {laying on the couch eating ramen}

mi jung : " Yes'' says in a soft voice {places backpack on half broken chair}

Mom : "Where were you all day!!" " I was waiting home for YOU to make ME dinner!!" 

mi jung :" I'm sorry mother" { gets a knife and starts cutting out some Napa cabbage} 

* 30 minutes later* 

mi jung: " dinners ready!" places out chopchae [ stir fried noodles] 

Mom: " Finally!!"," I was waiting forever" { Takes out a huge bite of noodles} ''It's good."

mi jung :" Thank you" 

* five minutes later Mi jungs mom eats it all while mi jung only got 2 bites*

Mom:" waa That was good!!" " I'm soo full" { while mi jung is still hungry} If you come back late tomorrow YOU WILL BE SORRY!! { mom goes to her room a slams the door}

mi jung: * sighs* " " everytime I come why is she always drunk" 

{ mi jung washes the dishes }

{ mi jung takes a shower and puts her dry clothes on }

Mi jung : { take out her phone a see's a message it's from her classmate/crush Kim mingyu} 

message: Hey mi jung it's me Mingyu I was wondering if you wanna go the movies tomorrow if your... well... free :} 

mi jung : { as she was reading the text she was smiling ear to ear, she felt the butterflies in her stomach fluttering, she was so happy!

mi jung { she messaged back saying: Sure that would be great!}

Mingyu: Message: Awesome! so dose 5:00 pm sound good!

mi jung : message: That would be great!!

mi jung: as she was trying to go to sleep she couldn't she was so happy!! so instead going to sleep she prepared what outfit to wear tomorrow, she couldn't wait !! 

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